
#30 Problem with lisp:socket-connect?

lisp error
clisp (524)

I've just upgraded clisp from 2000-03-06 to 2.25.1.
Everything appears well
apart from one minor difference that I can't quite
fathom. The problem is
with <URL:>, some
code I've been playing
with on and off the a short while.

That code worked fine with 2000-03-06 but gives an odd
result with 2.25.1.
To illustrate:

| davep@hagbard:~/develop/lisp/nntp$ type cl
| cl is aliased to `clisp -K full -q -a'
| davep@hagbard:~/develop/lisp/nntp$ cl
| ;; Loading file /home/davep/.clisprc.lsp ...
| ;; Loading file /home/davep/lib/lisp/dp-lib.fas ...
| ;; Loading of file /home/davep/lib/lisp/dp-lib.fas
is finished.
| ;; Loading of file /home/davep/.clisprc.lsp is
| [1]> (load "nntp")
| ;; Loading file
/home/davep/develop/lisp/nntp/nntp.fas ...
| ;; Loading of file
/home/davep/develop/lisp/nntp/nntp.fas is finished.
| t
| [2]> (setq x (make-nntp-client))
| #<nntp-client localhost:119 (not connected)>
| [3]> (connect x)
| *** - funcall: the function socket-connect is

The method connect looks like:

-- cut here
(defmethod connect ((nntp-client nntp-client))
"Connect the NNTP client to the NNTP server."
(setf (socket nntp-client)
#+clisp (lisp:socket-connect (port
nntp-client) (host nntp-client))
#+allegro (socket:make-socket :remote-host
(host nntp-client) :remote-po
rt (port nntp-client) :format :text)
#-(or clisp allegro) (error "You need to add
support for your CL environ
(get-short-response nntp-client))
-- cut here

and worked fine with 2000-03-06 and works well with
allegro. What is odder
is that if I make the call to lisp:socket-connect "by
hand", it works:

| [7]> (setf (socket x) (lisp:socket-connect (port x)
(host x)))
| #<unbuffered socket-stream character localhost:119>

I can't obviously see anything wrong with my code
(although I'm open to
suggestions) and I can't see a reason why I'm seeing
different behaviour
between the older and current versions of clisp.

Am I tickling a bug in this release of clisp or is it
simply bad coding on
my part?


  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2001-04-09

    Logged In: YES

    1. I recommend that you use CLOCC/PORT
    ( for your
    implementation-dependent stuff (see clocc/src/port/net.lisp)

    2. Did you recompile your lisp file? CHANGES.LOG mentions
    this requirement.

    3. It is __VERY__ wise to have an in-package form in the
    beginning of __EVERY__ lisp file. I cannot stress this too
    much. This might not be absolutely necessary now, but it
    __IS__ a good practice.

    4. please try to create an isolated test file and produce an
    explicit test sequence of commands to issue to get the error.

    Thanks for reporting the bug.

  • Dave Pearson

    Dave Pearson - 2001-04-09

    Logged In: YES


  • Dave Pearson

    Dave Pearson - 2001-04-09

    Logged In: YES

    [To SDS]

    In response to point 1 of your followup. That really
    wouldn't help get to the bottom of the problem at hand would

    In reponse to point 2 of your followup. Yes, I recompiled.

    In reponse to point 3. Do you mean something like:

    (in-package :common-lisp-user)?

    I tried that just now and the problem went away. While I'm
    happy to see that this cures me problem I'm confused as to
    why this is only now required by clisp (and isn't a
    requirement of other CLs I've tested with).

    In response to point 4: I spent significant time and trouble
    doing exactly that for my bug report. Perhaps you'd be kind
    enough to follow the link to the example program and to
    follow the quoted script of how to recreate the problem?

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2001-04-09
    • status: open --> closed
  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2001-04-09
    • status: closed --> closed-fixed
  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2001-04-09

    Logged In: YES

    1. using CLOCC/PORT would have shifted the blame from you to
    me, at the very least. :-) Actually, it would have
    probably fixed the problem too (there are in-package forms
    in CLOCC/PORT).

    2. Good!

    3. actually, ACL5 does issue a warning when the file is is
    compiling does not have an in-package statement.
    This is now fixed in the CLISP sources. The reason for the
    bug is that CLISP was saving the *fas files assuming that it
    will be read in the same package settings as were in effect
    at compilation time. This does help somewhat novice users,
    but breaks some legitimate code, thus it was removed.

    4. Actually, when I fixed the problem, the isolated test
    case I created was a 3 line file. :-) There is always room
    for improvement. :-)
    I do appreciate your bug reports and I thank you for
    reporting this particular bug.

  • Dave Pearson

    Dave Pearson - 2001-04-09

    Logged In: YES

    Glad to hear that the bug was nailed. Thanks for your time
    and attention.


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