
#212 Win32 bug: LISTEN eats the first character

lisp error
clisp (524)

The bug is seen in Windows port only, it does not exist
under Linux and Solaris. The very first character is
skipped as reading files. It is seen with redirection as
you issue the command
clisp.bat < file.lisp
and as reading the files (example is attached). The
Windows port was taken from (clisp-

Example files are:
cl_test.lisp start it (clisp.bat cl_test.lisp)
and see results
bmdating1.lisp contains blank space as its first character
and is read OK
bmdating2.lisp does not contain blank space and fails
under Windows because the first '(' is
windows.txt results under Windows ME (bad)
solaris.txt results under Solaris 9 (OK)

There is also a suspicion that the Windows port does not
provide access to environment variables when reading
files but I has no explicit examples.


  • Alexander Colesnicov

    lisp files and test results under Windows and Solaris

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2004-05-24

    Logged In: YES

    the cause appears to be in LISTEN...

    PS. _very_ unusual programming style :-)

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2004-05-24

    Logged In: YES

    this happens on both native win32 (mingw) and cygwin.
    test case:
    (let ((f "foo") (s "12345") l)
    (with-open-file (o f :direction :output) (write-string s o))
    (with-open-file (i f) (listen i) (push (read-char i) l))
    (delete-file f)
    should be: (#\1)
    win32: (#\2)

    this is because read(2) in read_helper(no_hang=true) skips
    the first character and puts "2345" into the buffarea.

  • Alexander Colesnicov

    Logged In: YES

    >> PS. _very_ unusual programming style :-)

    Yes. The example is a fragment from bergman computer
    algebra package ( bergman
    was written and is developing in PSL (commercial "Portable
    Standard Lisp"), and afterwards was ported to CLISP to get a
    free port. bergman itself is free with source.

    We wrote a wrapper that redefines a set of CLISP functions
    in PSL manner (e.g., NTH has reverse order of arguments,
    comment is introduced by % instead of ;, etc.), and compile
    PSL sources under CLISP.

    The main argument to use PSL is that bergman makes huge
    calculations and is strictly optimized by use of INUMs (short
    integers) in appropriate places. Regrettably most of CLISP
    implementations, esp. the Windows port, do not differentiate
    integer types. As the result, calculations in PSL version of
    bergmans are in 3-4 times faster than in CLISP version.

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2004-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    the workaround is not to use LISTEN on file streams
    (you _really_ don't need to!)

  • Alexander Colesnicov

    Logged In: YES

    >> the workaround is not to use LISTEN on file streams

    >> (you _really_ don't need to!)

    I really need! 'clisp.bat file.lisp' and 'clisp.bat < file.lisp' show
    totally different output, and we use the effect widely. Now
    the last one eats the first character. We were to add a line of
    at least two comment signs (;; or %%) in the beginning of
    each file.

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2004-05-25
    • summary: Win port error: skips first character reading files --> Win32 bug: LISTEN eats the first character
  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2004-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    the bug is with both buffered and unbuffered streams:
    (let ((f "foo") (s "12345") l)
    (with-open-file (o f :direction :output) (write-string s o))
    (with-open-file (i f :buffered t) (listen i) (push
    (read-char i) l))
    (with-open-file (i f :buffered nil) (listen i) (push
    (read-char i) l))
    (delete-file f)
    should be: (#\1 #\1)
    win32: (#\2 #\2)

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2004-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    please show the code that needs LISTEN on file streams.

  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2004-05-26
    • status: open --> closed
  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2004-05-26
    • milestone: --> lisp error
    • status: closed --> closed-fixed
  • Sam Steingold

    Sam Steingold - 2004-05-26

    Logged In: YES

    thank you for your bug report.
    the bug has been fixed in the CVS tree.
    you can either wait for the next release (recommended)
    or check out the current CVS tree (see\)
    and build CLISP from the sources (be advised that between
    releases the CVS tree is very unstable and may not even build
    on your platform).


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