
iNetFrame quits after about 5 minutes

  • bcarb

    bcarb - 2011-09-14

    Using iNetFrame v1.4.9 on iPad and serving from PS3MediaServer.

    After about 5 minutes, the transitions seem to get choppy and then stalls and then the media player quits.
    If I restart the app, it will do the same thing and qiot after about 5 minutes.

  • Satoshi Konno

    Satoshi Konno - 2011-09-14


    Umm ….  I suspect that there are some memory leaks ….

    I will check the problem from now. Please wait for a while.

    Best Regards,

    Satoshi Konno

  • bcarb

    bcarb - 2011-09-16


    Testing on v1.5.0 - still quits after a little while. If there's anything I can do to help debug, let me know. Would the log show anything? This App is great so far - keep up the good work.


  • bcarb

    bcarb - 2011-10-06

    Running on v1.5.1.

    After I removed all of the extraneous feeds on PS3 media server, so that it only serves my jpg photos, iNetFrame runs much better, but still quits after about 30 minutes.

    I turned on TRACE on the PS3 media server because I was hoping that when iNetFrame stopped, the PS3 media server would show me the name of the last photo it served, and that maybe there would be something odd about it. But the last photo is similar in size to all the others, and there is nothing different about it. Must be a memory leak somewhere.


  • Satoshi Konno

    Satoshi Konno - 2011-10-09

    Hi Brian,

    Thanks for your report.

    I am improving the memory management to run under more low memory,
    then I will submit the new version a few days after.

    Best Regards,

    Satoshi Konno.

  • Satoshi Konno

    Satoshi Konno - 2011-10-17

    Hi Brian,

    I have submitted the new version last week, It will be released as v1.5.2 this week.

    In the new version, I have fixed some memory leaks, but the memory management is
    still incompletely yet …..

    Please wait for a while :-)

    Best Regards,

    Satoshi Konno

  • bcarb

    bcarb - 2011-10-25

    With v1.5.2, iNetFrame ran for more than an hour before aborting. However, with v1.5.4, iNetFrame is back to quitting after about 10 minutes.

  • Satoshi Konno

    Satoshi Konno - 2011-10-27


    I found some memory leaks ? (or wrong memory managements),  when iNetFrame gets the content list from
    UPnP/AV media servers. However I am taking a long time to fix the problem.

    Please wait for while X-<

    Best Regards,

    Satoshi Konno

  • bcarb

    bcarb - 2011-11-22

    Any update on the memory leak?

  • Satoshi Konno

    Satoshi Konno - 2011-11-22


    I fixed the memory leak problem, I have submitted the new version to Apple now.

    However, I had to disable a function which removes duplicated contents when
    the media server has same contents in other folders. I will enable the function
    as soon as possible.

    The new version will be released as v 1.5.5 this or next week.

    Please wait for a while :-)

    Best Regards,

    Satoshi Konno

  • Satoshi Konno

    Satoshi Konno - 2011-12-02


    The new version is released this week.

    Please check it if you can :-)

    Best Regards,

    Satoshi Konno

  • bcarb

    bcarb - 2011-12-02


    I tried this version but it only lasts 10 minutes before it quits. Tried numerous times.

    I am running IOS 5.0.1 (9A405) on ipad1 with 16gb memory, and iNetFrame v1.5.5 with only UPnP/AV enabled.

    Is there any debug info I can provide to help?


  • Satoshi Konno

    Satoshi Konno - 2011-12-06

    Hi Braian,

    Thanks for your report.

    > I tried this version but it only lasts 10 minutes before it quits. Tried numerous times.

    Umm …. I can run the version with only UPnP/AV enabled for over six hours  on
    iPad 1 v5.0.1 now.

    However, I found a new memory leaks. I will fix the problem from now.

    Please wait for a while :-)

    Best  Regards,

    Satoshi Konno

  • bcarb

    bcarb - 2011-12-12

    Hi Satoshi

    I'm happy to report that iNetFrame is working GREAT !

    I've been running v 1.5.6 for 9 hours straight. Occasionally it has paused on a picture - sometimes for as long as 5 minutes… but then it resumes working.  Thank you for all the hard work you put in to get this application working.

    Now I can go review the product on the app store and give it 5 stars!


  • Satoshi Konno

    Satoshi Konno - 2011-12-13

    Hi Brian,

    Thanks for your quickly report :-)

    I found that iNetFrame might use a huge memory when the target media server doesn't support
    'search function' of UPnP/AV and it has many photo images and directories. In the version, I have
    added some changes to release the searched memory with more frequency.

    I am so sorry I kept you waiting for a long time.Thanks for your quickly report X-<

    Please tell me if you have any questions.

    Best Regards,

    Satoshi Konno


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