
Clean AJAX / News: Recent posts

Version 4.2 alpha available

The new version 4.2 alpha is available.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2007-11-03

Version 4.0 available

The version 4.0 is now available.
It includes all features not completed at version 4.0 alpha release.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-10-06

Issues about version 4.0 (alpha)

The current version 4.0 available today was labeled as alpha, because there are some pending implementations and tests related with:

- Support for SOAP based web services;
- Methods to build RemoteMethod objects from the class Clean, as available to Message objects.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-08-29

Version 4.0 alpha is now available

The Clean AJAX Engine 4.0 alpha is available to download.
This version presents many new features, and improvements, like silent messages, encryption, XSLT suport amplified, web service access, configurations.
The project home was also upgraged, visit to get more about the project.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-08-29

New features on version 4.0

The Clean 4.0 will bring new features. This new version will be easier to customize. The classes will be delivered in separated JS files, and all interation with the engine will be resumed to a single JS file, that will centralize the configuration and the a tiny API.

The version 4.0 will also include native suport to webservices based on SOAP and XMLRPC, and offer reliable features apply XSLT to Webservice results.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-07-31

Let we know about your applications

We are very interested to know about the projects that are using the Clean engine. It could be very helpful to detect new features and requirements and also to check where we missed.
Please send us a link to your web application, if possible, and let we know.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-06-26

Version 3.1 available

The new version 3.1 is now available. This version includes some fixes and the new onComplete message's event handler.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-06-26

Fixes coming soon on version 3.0.1

The project is receiving great contributions from the users community, which is very good to improve the project.
Some problems will be corrected and some features requested will be analysed to be added on a new version 3.0.1 to be released in July.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-06-19

Version 3.0 available

The new version 3.0 is available. This new version has many bug fixes and new features:

New garbage collection strategy;
New behavior on messages;
New progress feedback;
New message queue features.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-06-02

Version 3.0 is coming soon

New version 3.0 is coming soon. The release will include many bug fixes, enhancements on message queue, garbage collection and also new features.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-05-22

Version 2.5 available

The version 2.5 is available to download.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-04-17

Version 2.5 is coming soon

The new version 2.5 of the project will include debug features to help developers to track messages' life cycle.
The release will also include more accurate documentation about the classes and also some key points like how to access Webservices with Clean.

Posted by Carlos Eduardo Goncalves 2006-03-27