
More jars than required ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Using the simple view i.e. where I enter my classpath directly into the classpath field. If I have a directory on the classpath such as d:\bea\weblogic92 the classpath viewr scans not only this directory but all subdirectories as well.

    This results in the classpath View representing sub directories as packages containing such things as java, xml, HTML, GIF, & text files and not just class files.

    For this senario would it not be better to only filter for .class files ? As the results can be petty large...



    • Bryant Harris

      Bryant Harris - 2007-03-15

      Hi Steve,
        I guess the issue is, all those files (GIFs, text, etc) are accessible on the classpath using


        And those files would all follow the same search order lookups that apply to classes.

      But with that said I could pretty easily add a 'classes only' filter to the existing filters.  I'd do it tonight and cut you a release but I'm actually getting a new machine at work and will need a few days to restore my open source (and work) environments.

      But it's such a small amount of work I'd be happy to add it.  So look for something next week sometime.


    • Bryant Harris

      Bryant Harris - 2007-04-09

      Beta release 1.2.5 has "Show only classes/resouces" filtering added to it.  I think this should address this issue going forward.


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