
#219 Expand Folder Tree in navigation pane


Deafult Windows Key = * (Num)

In many laptops there are no Num keys, and Shift + 8 doesn't work..

I'm asking to have: "additional shortcut for Expand Folder Tree:" in Navigation Pane Tab. Thank You.

P.S - "additional shortcut for Collapse Folder Tree:" would be welcome as well. [Reset all the "-" under a folder for starting a new navigation]


  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2012-09-18

    I don't thnik it's possible to have an alternatve to *. It is done by the system tree control and not by Explorer.

    As for collapsing, just use the left arrow.

  • Stamimail

    Stamimail - 2012-09-18
    1. I don't know what "system tree control" means. I'm not a developer. I wish we could..

    2. left arrow dosn't reset Folder Structure. press after right arrow, and you see the previous navigations preserved.

  • xpclient

    xpclient - 2012-09-18

    But all laptops do have a Fn key and * is there on at least one of the alphanumeric keys (can be pressed as Fn + the key with asterisk).

    For collapsing here's the trick. Collapse the top most level, then press F5. This will collapse all levels under it.

  • Stamimail

    Stamimail - 2012-09-18

    I have DELL Studio XPS. And I can not find what you said ..

    For collapsing... U R the Rock. awesome.
    One problem - My desktop folders aren't been reseted when applying this on main Desktop in navigation pane.

  • xpclient

    xpclient - 2012-09-18

    Oh then sorry you are out of luck with the * on the keyboard. But AutoHotkey can help. Just map * to some other hotkey. That doesn't require developer knowledge if you learn little bit of AutoHotkey.

  • Stamimail

    Stamimail - 2012-09-18

    I'm afraid learning AutoHotkey is too much for me right now.
    The code you suggesting to do with AutoHotkey can be done in Classic Explorer?

  • xpclient

    xpclient - 2012-09-19

    Okay download this AutoHotkey script I created: and keep it running. Then Shift+8 will always send numeric keypad asterisk. To close it, terminate Asterisk.exe from Task Manager. Note that all AutoHotkey scripts are incompatible with Security Essentials and Windows Defender (these programs must be completely disabled or else they start consuming massive amounts of CPU when they come across any AutoHotkey compiled script while real-time scanning)

  • Stamimail

    Stamimail - 2012-09-27

    Much obliged. You didn't have to.

    I checked it on a Virtual Machine (XP) and it works fine.

    I think your solution is good for anyone who uses frequently on AutoHotkey (or high frequently Num Asterisk).
    I do not use AutoHotkey, and I do use Security Essentials (How did you know?).

    It seems to me very strange to run a software for a little feature. I've said time I do not like to have dozens of programs on computer for every little thing. I thought to find this little feature in a software already exists..

    I did not tell you, but I had another solution, for me it is more convenient:
    When I need, I use "screen keyboard": osk.exe
    [I do not know if there are arguments so that you can do something about it]

    I think it would be nice to see Expand and Collapse features (as described) in Classic Explorer.

    You are the experts, do your best.

    Thank you for the effort.

  • Stamimail

    Stamimail - 2012-10-14

    Another solution for those uses - HotkeyP. Select any combination of keys, and set:
    Command: Macro
    Parameter: \multiply


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