
Metro Grey Skin

  • Chris Prescott

    Chris Prescott - 2012-12-10

    I have posted a grey skin based on the original Metro skin
    for ClassicShell at deviantART. This skin is intended for use with Windows 8.

    The link for the skin (with Start buttons based on
    Microsoft’s new logo) is at:

  • lexi

    lexi - 2012-12-10

    Can you make sense of the glass settings to match the taskbar colours? I like the Metro skins style and clean lines but the colours change every 30 mins based on my background

  • Chris Prescott

    Chris Prescott - 2012-12-11

    If you mean that you want to disable transparency of the Task Bar on Windows 8 then try this:

    Browse to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes
    Copy aero.theme to classic.theme
    Open classic.theme with Notepad
    Edit the [Theme] section to match the lines below


    Edit the [VisualStyles] section to match the lines below


    Save classic.theme
    Open Personalization in the Control Panel
    Click on Classic under Installed Themes

    This new Classic theme should disable the Task Bar's transparency.

    I'd also recommend changing the color by clicking on the color block which will take you to Color and Appearance. I have been using the grey color next to Automatic.


    Last edit: Chris Prescott 2012-12-11
  • lexi

    lexi - 2012-12-11

    thank you :) i do like the colours though. the glass themes do match it but have things like thick borders


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