
Aero Glass

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  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2012-12-31

    It is a completely different shader. In the Aero case, the colored bitmap is drawn on top of the glass, which is the same tint. In the Win8 case the bitmap is drawn as is. There is just no way to achieve the same result on both, not without some support from the OS.

    As I said, I tweaked the formulas to give a good result for the built-in skins. It will not work with all possible bitmaps and glass colors. I think your best bet is to either have an option or to have 2 versions of the skin.

  • Jcee

    Jcee - 2012-12-31

    i was referring more to the lack of color in the top one, even in windows 8 the bottom one has quite a bit of color (see attached) both have some transparency, just varying amounts

    im aiming for deep colors @ 50% transparency, the only way i see in doing that for now would be adding custom resources for each of the colors (and limiting it to a hand full of color choices, or doing case by case request)

  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2012-12-31

    The get the most color you have to set the mask bitmap to 100% red. Have you tried that?

    Also, how come your taskbar is not transparent? :)

    • Jcee

      Jcee - 2012-12-31

      i did, and it is in the top picture, it helps when transparency is low, but not when transparency is high

  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2012-12-31

    Send me your skin with 100% red and I will try it here. I will delete your post after I get it so other people don't download it by mistake.

  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2012-12-31

    Right, the thing is, when the bitmap is transparent its color is irrelevant (like the Invisible Pink Unicorn Goddess, blessed be her holy hooves)

    Basically on Windows 7 when the background is transparent, all you see is bare glass (which has its own color).

    If you want to directly control the transparency and the color, you have to switch the opacity to "fullalpha". But then you lose the blur effect. Unfortunately you can't have it both ways.

  • Jcee

    Jcee - 2012-12-31

    what all would that involve? just changing Main_opacity=fullglass to Main_opacity=fullalpha?
    cause i just tried that and it didnt appear to change, or does that allow me to adjust the color somewhere else?

  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2012-12-31

    You may have to change Main_opacity2 as well. The upside of fullalpha is that it will disable the alpha remapping and you have direct control. Another upside is that Win7 and Win8 will look the same.

  • Jcee

    Jcee - 2012-12-31

    whoa, yea thats what i was looking for thanks :P, shame i cant have bluring to, but i think this still looks better, even with text behind it. ill probably add a 'windows 8' option to my skin tomorrow :P

  • Jcee

    Jcee - 2013-01-01

    Updated the skin to increase the transparency;
    USER NOTE: Reduced Transparency option removes the blur behind the start menu

  • Jcee

    Jcee - 2013-01-03

    Hey Ivo im having a problem with the shut down buttons scroll over still refrencing the old image heres the relevent bit of code and attached the file (which still has some cosmetic issues i know :P)


  • Squeedlejinks

    Squeedlejinks - 2013-01-05

    I thought you might like to see the results of your two updated versions.

    Any thoughts on why the bottom of the Y on Cathy has black across it?



    Last edit: Squeedlejinks 2013-01-05
  • Jcee

    Jcee - 2013-01-05

    yea thanks, your on widnows 7 right?
    i just recently upgraded to windows 8 (like just before i added increase transparency option, so i didnt actually get a chance to see what that option looks like in windows 7 :P (or the white menu option still in works, which is primarily geared at windows 8 and its pastel colors)

    as for the reason the y has a black bar, my only guess would be somehow the bottom of the y goes below where it should, somehow inverting it or something, but even thats just my best guess offhand.., ill try changing my username in windows 8 to include a y, and see if its the same for me, and if-so see if i can solve it by moving the name up a tad

    EDIT: confirmed the bug was as guessed :P, and fixed for next released version which should be soon


    Last edit: Jcee 2013-01-05
  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2013-01-05

    You do not have to change your username to try different text. You can change the text from the Menu Look tab. By default it is your username, but you can make it whatever you want.

    The black bar is because the box for the name is smaller than the font needs.

  • Jcee

    Jcee - 2013-01-05

    Updated skin to include "Whiter Base-color" which lightens the menu considerably, which seems to fit better in some cases with windows 8's Pastel color scheme

    and fixed username black-bar issue posted above

  • Jcee

    Jcee - 2013-01-05

    Last edit: Jcee 2013-01-05
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