
Custom Start button

  • Caplan Caplanus

    Caplan Caplanus - 2012-07-11

    In settings Custom Button is ticked, but how can I put my own chosen custom
    button and change ?

  • xpclient

    xpclient - 2012-07-12

    When you choose Custom button, click on the ... button next to "Button image:"
    and choose the BMP or PNG. For a custom start button you need an image that
    contain the 3 states of the button - normal, hot and pressed. The image must
    be a 32-bit PNG or BMP (to preserve transparency) - you can use a free editor
    like Paint.Net for this. By default, the width of the image determines the
    size of the button. You can override that by entering a custom width.

  • Caplan Caplanus

    Caplan Caplanus - 2012-07-12

    Thanks it's ok now.
    And how can I add "Start" label to it ?

  • xpclient

    xpclient - 2012-07-12

    The "Start" label or whatever should be part of the image with 3 states or you
    can use the Classic button.

  • Caplan Caplanus

    Caplan Caplanus - 2012-07-14

    Thanks again, worked :))


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