
#193 Right click on a shortcut, 'Open File Location' - 10-13s delay to hide


Hi, v3.6.2, Win 7 Ultimate, Eng.
If I rt click on a shortcut to a file, select 'Open File Location', then my file manager opens correctly. Fine.

But the Start Menu takes 10-13s to re-hide. I can't make it hide - clicking, Windows key..

No other start menu substitute or the real thing shows this problem, and I can't see a relevant timer setting in options.

This is a very useful feature to me, so I hope there's a fix or work-around.

I've also noted that if, instead, I select 'Properties', Open File Location, the SM autohides quickly, and the file manager displayed, but now the Properties sheet is displayed for up to 13s or so.


  • xpclient

    xpclient - 2012-11-01

    I tried this on my Windows 7 Ultimate. Right clicking on a shortcut, clicking Open File Location or Properties closes the menu instantly. There is no value to adjust for closing the menu, it should close instantly. Does this happen for every context menu action?

  • dalchina

    dalchina - 2012-11-01

    Hi, thanks for advising that. Hope I can get there.

    1. It's 100% consistent - with the cases I've quoted.
    2. I noted a similar delay with a different start menu substitute program, manifested in a similar delay in being unable to relaunch that program after those operations.
    3. If I rt click on a file s/c in the SM but do nothing, or, for example, choose rename, and do nothing, there's no time delay.

    I'm left wondering if sthg else is causing a conflict. I guess I could try a clean boot or similar..

    My set-up is new install Win 7 as of last Sunday, with Office installed, and most programs transferred from Vista using Laplink PCMover (about 98% success- only 4 or 5 progs so far required reinstall).

  • xpclient

    xpclient - 2012-11-01

    If there's a similar delay with another Start Menu program as well, then it's something else on your system that is causing the delay, not Classic Shell's fault.

  • dalchina

    dalchina - 2012-11-01

    OK.. here's a BIG clue. My default file manager is Directory Opus.

    If I revert to explorer, guess what happens.

    After 'Open File location', as soon as Explorer opens, Classic shell start menu hides.

    But if DOpus is the file manager, then Dopus opens 'under' the expanded SM, which only hides after ?? some system timeout maybe ??

    Is that reproducible?

  • xpclient

    xpclient - 2012-11-01

    Hmm. I didn't try with DOpus but I tried with the freeware Explorer++. Ran it as admin and set it as default for all file system folders. Then doing an "Open file location" opens it in Explorer++ and for a number of seconds or till you minimize/close the third party file manager, the Classic Start Menu cannot even open by Winkey, click - nothing.

  • dalchina

    dalchina - 2012-11-01

    Ok, so an issue..

    By way of comparison, Aston Menu is always available and independent of the use of DOpus as default file manager.

    However, I did notice that when launching Properties from the context menu of a file shortcut in the S Menu, and Open file Location from that, the property sheet could not be dismissed for some 10s or so, when it disappeared, presumably on a timeout.

  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2012-11-01

    Is it that the start menu just doesn't close, or that it is unresponsive for that period?

  • dalchina

    dalchina - 2012-11-02

    Hi Ivo, it's completely unresponsive.. that is, there's no way to close it. And since the file manager opens UNDER it, that makes the PC relatively unusable for that period.

    (I haven't actually tried killing the task..!)

    My guess is that it's waiting for a signal from explorer, which then triggers it hiding, so if explorer isn't the file manager, it doesn't get the appropriate signal.

    Again, by comparison, 'Seven Classic Start' has neither this behaviour (it hides quite quickly after the right click) nor is the property sheet incapable of being dismissed for 10s +.

  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2012-11-02

    Looks like DOpus is quite slow to start. When you select a command from the right-click menu, I wait for the command to finish before I can continue. That's because the command may affect the menu in some way (delete, rename, create shortcut) and I have to refresh aftwards.

    A possible solution is to have a list of commands, for which I don't wait - like "open file location" or "properties".

  • dalchina

    dalchina - 2012-11-03

    Sorry, I don't know where you get the idea DOpus is slow. It isn't. Its window appears pretty much immediately. But it's hidden behind the expanded Classic Start Menu (as I've said quite clearly above) because CSM hasn't hidden, and doesn't for about 10-13s, precluding use of my PC for that time.

    This seems confirmed by xp client above with a different explorer replacement.

    Equally, when I use Vista, also with DOpus, but Windows' own start menu, there is no problem whatsoever, nor with Win 7's own start menu and DOpus.

    It's nothing whatsoever to do with waiting for a command. I can only guess this a bug or omission in design not considering the use of a replacement file manager - and being dependent on explorer.

    May I suggest you also try the effect of a replacement file manager, and confirm or refute this observation.

    Meanwhile I'm using Aston Menu with Win 7 skin (about the only decent one) which is free from these problems. (ref rt click, Open file location, and delayed closing of the property sheet with loss of control of Classic Start Menu and the property sheet invoked from CSM.

  • Ivo Beltchev

    Ivo Beltchev - 2012-11-03

    Please contact me at I will send you a special build that will test my theory. Let me know what version of Windows you are using.

  • dalchina

    dalchina - 2012-11-03

    Hi Ivo, sure, thanks, you've clearly put a lot of work into this.

    Win7 Ultimate 32 bit EN (it was in my 1st post I think).


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