
Help, How to define the relation?

  • cdn_c

    cdn_c - 2007-02-04

    Hi, There's a question!
    I have some lines , each line have two node, each node can be one or more line's start node or end node.  I want to get :
    for line : GetStartNode()  GetEndNode() 
    for node : GetThroughLines()
    for document: GetNodes()  GetLines() and others function
    Can someone help me ???

    • John van der Kist

      Not so difficult, really.

      Create classes Doc, Node, Line
      Create realation Doc  <>-->> Node (yielding a Node iterator)
      Create realation Doc  <>-->> Line (yielding a Line iterator)
      Create realation Node <>-->> Line, names StartNode and Line1
      Create realation Node <>-->> Line, names EndNode   and Line2



      If necessary, send me an email and I can send you the CBD file

    • cdn_c

      cdn_c - 2007-02-26

      Thanks very much! I get it!


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