
ClamWin / News: Recent posts

Italian Website released

We are happy to announce the long awaited Italian Website ( Thanks to the Italian Team and to Roland (case) who helped with last minute fixes to get it ready for release. Great job guys!

  • Mick
Posted by Mick Weiss 2006-02-17

February 3rd "BlackWorm" Virus Threat

An Internet Worm known as "BlackWorm", "Blackmal", "MyWife", "Nyxem", etc. will delete files from a number of popular programs on February 3rd, and on the 3rd day of the month thereafter. Files which may be deleted by this worm include files ending with the extension of DOC, XLS, MDE, MDB, PPT, PPS, RAR, PDF, PSD, DMP, ZIP.

There is no reason to panic if you are a security conscious user and your computer has relevant virus protection. However it is recommended that you do a full scan before February 3rd to avoid unpleasant surprises.... read more

Posted by alch 2006-02-02

Dutch Website Released just went live. We are very happy to announce this and we would like to thank everyone who worked really hard to make this possible.

  • Mick
Posted by Mick Weiss 2006-01-31

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.88 released

The ClamAV team maintains great effort to release regular and frequent updates to the ClamAV scanning engine and have just released version 0.88

ClamWin Free Antivirus has been upgraded to include latest ClamAV virus scanning engine version 0.88. This release fixes a possible heap overflow in the UPX code and improves zip archives handling. Please download the it here:

Posted by alch 2006-01-10

German and French Websites released

We are very happy to announce that our treat for you this holiday season is the release of and

The people from both the German and French localization teams worked really hard and I'd like to say on behalf of everyone- thanks!

Happy holidays!

Posted by Mick Weiss 2005-12-25

Logo Contest!

ClamWin Free AntiVirus team would like to officially invite entries to their logo contest. The logo contest is open to all community members and will decide the Official Logo for ClamWin Free AntiVirus. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
The core developers will review the entries and the 5 best will be voted on. A reward of $200 (USD) will be awarded to the designer who gets first place. The closing date for entries will be 23:59 GMT on the 15th of January.

Posted by Mick Weiss 2005-12-17

New ClamWin Website

We are very happy to announce that the new website just went live. We have a bunch of new things going on here.


  • new design along with a new logo
  • we moved from our CMS from Mambo over to Joomla!
  • We have Firefox Search Plugins
  • we now provide tools to help you promote ClamWin
  • we support new oddball formats like DOAP ;-)
  • way too many cool new things to list really

The team should really be proud of themselves, as we all worked really hard. I'd especially like to say hats off to Django (valid xhtml, css, js, and valid everywhere else - just great) and he managed to magically put together a Joomla template while putting up with me... :-D... read more

Posted by Mick Weiss 2005-11-17

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.87.1 Released

The ClamAV team maintains great effort to release regular and frequent updates to the ClamAV scanning engine and have just released version 0.87.1

ClamWin Free Antivirus has been upgraded to include latest ClamAV virus scanning engine version 0.87.1. Please download the it using this link

This relase also -MAY- fix the Outlook Addin bug with winmail.dat attachments when replying or forwarding the scanned emails. Please test and confirm to [alch at]

Posted by alch 2005-11-04

New Clamwin IRC channel on Freenode

Feel free to /join us in #clamwin on Freenode (irc:// - currently mainly the developers hang out there, but users and lurkers are always welcome :-)

Posted by Mick Weiss 2005-10-01

Free Software Magazine review of ClamWin

The latest issue of Free Software Magazine, issue 8, has a review of ClamWin:

The review is generally positive, and they've given it 8 out of 10 overall

Posted by Russell Phillips 2005-09-27

Firefox extension for ClamWin

A Firefox extension is now available that uses ClamWin to scan downloaded files for viruses. It requires Firefox v1.5, which is currently in beta, and due to be released later this year.

ClamWin Antivirus Glue for Firefox - Firefox Extension
Firefox 1.5:
Firefox Roadmap:

Posted by Russell Phillips 2005-09-26

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.87 released

Just after I rushed to release a bugfix for clamwin exclusion filters new calmav version (0.87) was made available.

ClamWin Free Antivirus has been upgraded to include latest ClamAV virus scanning engine version 0.87. This release also fixes vulnerabilities in handling of UPX and FSG compressed executables. It also includes a fix for a bug in ClamWin exclusion and inclusion filters found in versions up to 0.86.2. Please upgrade your installation by downloading the latest version using this link:

Posted by alch 2005-09-16

ClamWin Free Antivirus released

Release fixes a bug with exclusion and inclusion filters being ignored when the whole drive letter was scanned.
Please upgrade your installation by downloading the latest version using this link <>

Posted by alch 2005-09-16

ClamAV first to stop 77% of new viruses

Electric Mail ( recently tested several anti-virus products, and were surprised to find that in 77% of cases, ClamAV were the first to detect new viruses.

ClamWin uses the ClamAV scanning engine and virus database.

Full story at

Posted by Russell Phillips 2005-08-17

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.86.2 released

ClamWin Free Antivirus has been upgraded to include latest ClamAV virus scanning engine version 0.86.2 and Cygwin libraries version 1.5.18-1. This release also addresses gzip vulnerability in cygwin libraries. ClamWin is a MS Windows front-end to Clam Antivirus, also hosted on Includes scheduler, virus database updates, standalone scanner, context menu integration to MS Windows Explorer and Addin to MS Outlook. Also features easy setup program.... read more

Posted by alch 2005-07-26

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.86.1 released

ClamWin Free Antivirus has been upgraded to include latest ClamAV virus scanning engine version 0.86.1 This release fixes a possible crash when unpacking MS CAB archives found in version 0.86.

Please upgrade you installtion by downloading the latest version using this link:

Posted by alch 2005-06-24

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.86 released

The ClamAV team maintains great effort to release regular and frequent updates to the ClamAV scanning engine and have just released version 0.86

ClamWin Free Antivirus has been upgraded to include latest ClamAV virus scanning engine version 0.86. Please download the it using this link

Posted by alch 2005-06-23

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.85.1 released

ClamWin Free Antivirus has been upgraded to include latest ClamAV virus scanning engine version 0.85.1 Please download it here:

Posted by alch 2005-05-25

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.85 released

ClamWin Free Antivirus has been upgraded to include latest ClamAV virus scanning engine version 0.85. Please download it here:

Posted by alch 2005-05-12

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.84 released

The ClamAV team maintains great effort to release regular and frequent updates to the ClamAV scanning engine and have upgraded to version 0.84. This release updates ClamAV virus scanning engine to version 0.84.

Other improvements are:
- cygwin upgraded to version 1.5.16
- InnoSetup upgraded to version 5
- updated English manual added Russian manual (thanks to Aidar Bikmullin and Russell Phillips)

Posted by alch 2005-04-30

Clamwin FRee Antivirus 0.83 released

The ClamAV team maintains great effort to release regular and frequent updates to the ClamAV scanning engine. Threfore Clamwin Free Antivirus will use the same version number with a stable ClamAV release. This release updates ClamAV virus scanning engine to version 0.83 and adds a compiled html user manual (manual.chm file), thanks to Russell Phillips.

Please download the it using this link

Posted by alch 2005-02-14

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.37.6 released.

This release updates clamav virus scanning engine to version 0.82.

New things in clamav 0.82 are:
1. generic detection of MS05-002 ("Vulnerability in Cursor and Icon Format Handling Could Allow Remote Code Execution") based exploits.
2. warning on non-standard zip archives created by ICEOWS
3. better proxy support in freshclam
4. speed improvements.

Download the new release here:

Posted by alch 2005-02-07

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.37.5 released

ClamAV scanning engine used in the ClamWin Free Antivirus has been updated to version 0.81. As the result ClamWin version 0.37.4 now shows an "outdated" warning when updating virus database.

New ClamWin Free Antivirus version 0.37.5, which upgrades ClamAV antivirus engine has now been released. Please download the it using this link

Posted by alch 2005-01-31

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.37.4 released

This release fixes the bug reported several times where a scheduler launches multiple instances of a scanner or database updater simultaneously slowing down the computer. If you exeprience this bug with the earlier version plerase upgrade.

download this release here:


Posted by alch 2005-01-14

ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.37.3 released. Please upgrade

This release addresses the issue of clamscan.exe crashing when scanning malformed emails. Please upgrade.

It is also optimised for Intel Pentium 2 (AMD K6) processors and should run a bit faster. This release will no longer work on 386 or 486 processors.

Other improvements are:
- Final scanning report is easier to read. Error messages and virus infection reports are now separated.
- On MS Windows XP/2000/2003 the output is colourised (infected files are highlighted with red colour, no infections - with green). On MS Windows 98/Me this feature is not yet supported.
- Tray notification is now displayed only when a database is really updated, not when the update just checked that latest database files are installed
- MS Outlook does not display notification popups if this feature is turned off in the "Reports" setting. Better error handling in MS Outlook should display less error messages.... read more

Posted by alch 2004-11-26