

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I'm trying to setup apache for my local users so that they can update locally in my LAN, I've created a directory under /var/www/clamupdates, copied daily.cvd and main.cvd to this directory, and edited my httpd.conf to create an alias

    Alias /clamupdates "var/www/clamupdates"
    </Directory "/var/www/clamupdates"
    allow from all

    to no avail...I still get an error when one of my clients tries to update

    Clamav update process started at wed nov
    main.cvd is up to date
    ERROR daily.cvd not found on remote server
    ERROR cant download daily.cvd from (IP
    trying again in 5 secs

    I tried to point my alias to /usr/local/share/clamav to no avail....

    help please?

    • Mick Weiss

      Mick Weiss - 2005-11-12

      that definitly looks like a typo. Did it work after you changed that?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      When ONE(1) specific client tries or ANY ONE tries?

      Typo may be to blame...

      <- Alias /clamupdates "var/www/clamupdates"
      -> Alias /clamupdates "/var/www/clamupdates"