
Clamwin AND Norton simultaneously - ok?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi. I can't find an answer to this question in the FAQ:

    Is it okay to have Norton antivirus or McAfee running and actively scanning while Clamwin is scanning files?

    • The Jon

      The Jon - 2005-11-21


      I had a problem when I had Sophos running in on-access mode with ClamWin scanning the drives at night. Sometimes the ClamWin scans would take days to complete and end up having to be killed.

      I run ClamWin from a task scheduler job (closest thing to Cron that doze has), using .CMD files - the new-look .BAT files (they are basically the same).
      This is on doze XP Professional.

      What I had to do in the end was make the batch files that trigger ClamWin stop Sophos first, then restart it after the scan had finished. Works every time now.

      For Sophos, the in-memory component service is called SWEEPSRV.SYS, so what the batch file does just before it runs ClamWin is:
      net stop SWEEPSRV.SYS
      and after ClamWin has finished:
      net start SWEEPSRV.SYS

      The 'net' command in doze is badly named, it does a heap of different functions which almost make it feel like you're using an actual real OS.

      Norton would have a similar service I imagine, you need to find out what it is and stop it before you run Clamwin, then start it again afterwards.

      Hope that is of some help to you?
