
Command Line Accountant / News: Recent posts

Version 0.2.1 released

Version 0.2 contained a few packaging problems (the /CVS directory and backup (*~) files were packaged with the release). This was very careless and has been fixed in the 0.2.1 release. In addition some debugging output was left in clarule, which has been removed.

Posted by Joe Kauzlarich 2004-02-21

Version 0.2 released

This is a big release. It includes a nifty rule-processing engine (see the RULES-HELP or the webpage for details) for automating regular credits/debits. Also includes new account reconciliation feature, better reporting, and better treatment of quiet/verbose. Download it now!

Posted by Joe Kauzlarich 2004-02-17

Version .11 released

Minor enhancements. See the changelog for details.

Posted by Joe Kauzlarich 2003-12-22

The website has been extensively updated

A sample session, future plans, and FAQ were added to the website to help people more quickly understand the software. Take a look at

Posted by Joe Kauzlarich 2003-12-09

Version 0.1 has been released

The initial version of the command-line accountant has been released. Releases in the near future will concentrate on improving existing features. Version 0.2 will be available before the end of 2003.

Posted by Joe Kauzlarich 2003-12-09