
mod api


Welcome to the modding tutorial of CIT!

If you want to mod CIT it's better to have some python programing knowledge.

CIT imports every python file (.py only) that's in the CIT subdirectory called "plugins" so you just drag your mod/plugin in it and it will import/run it
if you want to change the way CIT lets the user input the commands (for instance a gui) create the variable "[pluginname]_hasinput" and give it the argument True (hasinput = True) then create the function "mod_input()" that will be run everytime CIT wants to know another input from the user. Note it should return the userinput (you may global the userinput)!
if you want to change the start process (like printing the "TheChrisNxt WinOS XD..." thingy) you can create the variable [pluginname]_hasstart and set it to True CIT will search now for a start() function in your mod so you should create it
if you want to start the "vanilla" CIT start() process after finishing your start process just add the variable [pluginname]_run_start_afterme and set it to True
every funktion you create can be run from the user by just typing the command, so its pretty easy to add more commands. Additionally you can create a class in your plugin and let the user know what's the name of the class, just add the variable: [pluginname]_clssname and give the variable a argument as a string (for instance: "class: example")
that's everything you need to mod CIT you can look at my "mod_times" mod in the "CIT/plugins" directory or to my essentials plugin to understand the CIT modding better! And yes! The mod_times mod prints greethings matching to the date (for instance at the 01.01.2013 it will print Happy new year and such stuff)

and last but not least...
have fun by modding and/or using my program
and feel free to ask us anything about CIT

Project Admins:
(CIT developer)

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