
Adapting ChurchInfo

  • rdagi

    rdagi - 2015-10-27

    Is there a way to customize ChurchInfoDB for use in a mission sending organization? We are looking for maintaining donor information. In addition, creating custom reports would be helpful.

  • Michael Wilt

    Michael Wilt - 2015-11-16

    ChurchInfo is used for a lot of things that we didn't anticipate. You can add custom fields to track things that are not in the base version. The support for pledges and donations is based on the Family record. Take a look at the help page or look for a video about the financial features on our web site. We don't have fully custom reports where you can specify the layout, but we do have reports such as the directory report that can be configured to include or exclude specific information. We also allow configuration of the messages that will go in the financial reports.


    Michael Wilt
    ChurchInfo Team Leader


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