
Person Directory Report

  • Ron

    Ron - 2013-09-16

    I would like to see a Person Directory Report almost the same as the Family Directory Report except the report would produce a listing using the person information and picture. We have many groups in our Database that would benefit from this feature. For example children who signup for AWANA could be listed with their picture and personal ID for security purposes, An individual Life Group directory would be valuable.

  • Pablo Sanchez

    Pablo Sanchez - 2013-09-27

    I have been wanting that feature as well. I have modified the existing GroupReport to allow pictures.
    To install:
    - Make a backup copy of GroupReports.php and GroupReport.php
    - Replace the files with the ones from here

  • Gerald Skerbitz

    Gerald Skerbitz - 2013-11-27

    Why would this not be committed to the codebase?


  • Michael Wilt

    Michael Wilt - 2013-11-27

    Yes, I do try to check in things like this after a little review and testing. It is a little easier to keep track of submissions if they are attached to a bug report or a feature request tracker.


    Michael Wilt
    ChurchInfo Team Leader

  • Gerald Skerbitz

    Gerald Skerbitz - 2013-11-27

    Note to self. I you want something in the code, submit a bug report or feature request and include a patch. :-)



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