
chkwww / News: Recent posts

pychkwww 0.4 released

The pyhton port of chkwww (pychkwww) has reached version 0.4 and is considered useful.

Posted by Fredrik Steen 2002-05-18

chkwww 0.4.3 released and pychkwww 0.2 released.

Chkwww version 0.4.3 with some bugfixes and some new options added.

Pychkwww version 0.2 same as "Chkwww" but written in python and will replace "Chkwww" in the future.

Posted by Fredrik Steen 2001-08-16

Version 0.4.2 of chkwww released

Minor changes this is more a sourceforge release.
Bumped the version to 0.4.2.

Posted by Fredrik Steen 2000-12-05

chkwww now at sourceforge

Project moved to sourceforge for easier development and administration. Release 0.5 soon to come.

Posted by Fredrik Steen 2000-11-14