
#19 1/2 of display not working when scrolled into view


When I connect to my with a smaller display than the host display, the portion of the screen that was not initially display does not update when scrolled into view.

Mouse clicks seem to work.

Force reconnection will update the display, but the display will not update.

Mountain Lion 10.8.2
Chicken 2.2b2
local display 1680X1050
remote display 3360X1050 (ie two displays)


  • dustinac

    dustinac - 2012-10-19

    Strange. What if rather than scrolling, you resize the window or go to fullscreen? Is there any way of getting the updating area unstuck or is it always the size of the window when you connected or last reconnected?

  • dustinac

    dustinac - 2015-03-29

    I found a similar problem that was triggered when scrolling or resizing the window on a retina display. This was fixed in Subversion with revision 828 and will be part of the next release (2.2). If anyone is still having issues with updates, please file a new bug report.

  • dustinac

    dustinac - 2015-03-29
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: --> v1.0_(example)

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