
ChessRogue / News: Recent posts

ChessRogue 0.3.1 released

Version 0.3.1 of ChessRogue, the puzzle game drawing together Chess and roguelikes, has now been released. This version adds two more mini-bosses and their special items, and fixes a few minor bugs.
You can download it from

Posted by Chris Morris 2008-04-05

ChessRogue 0.3.0 Released

Version 0.3.0 of ChessRogue, the puzzle game drawing together Chess and roguelikes, has now been released. This version includes for the first time a graphical interface, and an optional mini-boss with an interesting reward, as well as fixing all known bugs from the previous version.
You can download it from

Posted by Chris Morris 2007-10-19

ChessRogue 0.2.2 released

Version 0.2.2 of ChessRogue, the roguelike puzzle game loosely based on chess, is now available for download. This release fixes a serious bug with "move into check" testing - all users should upgrade as soon as is convenient.
You can download Windows and Linux binaries, as well as full source code, at

Posted by Chris Morris 2007-05-24

ChessRogue 0.2.1 released

Version 0.2.1 of ChessRogue, the roguelike puzzle game loosely based on chess, is now available for download. The major change in this version is that you may now choose your own keys, if you don't like the traditional ones. It also fixes several minor bugs.
You can download Windows and Linux binaries, as well as full source code, at

Posted by Chris Morris 2007-05-21

ChessRogue 0.2.0 released

Version 0.2 of ChessRogue, the roguelike puzzle game loosely based on chess, is now available for download. It has several new features, including three new pieces, a more interesting endgame, and warnings for being in check.
You can download Windows and Linux binaries, as well as full source code, at

Posted by Chris Morris 2007-05-05

ChessRogue 0.1.3 released

Version 0.1.3 of ChessRogue, the roguelike puzzle game loosely based on chess, is now available for download. It fixes a couple of bugs from previous versions that could make the game far more difficult than intended.
You can download Windows and Linux binaries, as well as full source code, at

Posted by Chris Morris 2007-03-25

ChessRogue 0.1.2 released

Version 0.1.2 of ChessRogue, the roguelike puzzle game loosely based on chess, is now available for download. It fixes two major gameplay bugs from previous versions as well as other minor changes.
You can download Windows and Linux binaries, as well as full source code, at

Posted by Chris Morris 2007-03-16

ChessRogue 0.1.1 released

Version 0.1.1 of ChessRogue, the roguelike puzzle game loosely based on chess, is now available for download. It introduces some new game features and fixes a few minor bugs.
You can download Windows and Linux binaries, as well as full source code, at

Posted by Chris Morris 2007-03-06

ChessRogue 0.1.0 released

ChessRogue 0.1.0 is now available for download. Chessrogue is a puzzle game based on chess, where you play the sole survivor of your side, attempting to hunt down the opposing king.
Windows and Linux binaries as well as full source code are available for download, and comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome. Download it from

Posted by Chris Morris 2007-02-20