
compile chessdb

Rein Mann
  • Rein Mann

    Rein Mann - 2007-11-20

    Previously I have compiled and installed chessdb on ubuntu 7.04 without any problems.
    I had to reinstall on a new computer and I get the following error:

    no problem or error message with ./configure
    no problem or error message with  make

    But execution: ./chessdb results with this:
    root@seffie:/usr/local/ChessDB-3.6.19-beta-1# ./chessdb
    ./chessdb: line 20: exec: tkchessdb: not found

    The file (with contents) is present after 'make'

    I get this same error on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS and on Ubuntu 7.10

    Where do I look for the solution?

    • Rein Mann

      Rein Mann - 2007-11-20

      This issue has been resolved.

      Rein Mann


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