
Checkstyle Release 6.3

Release 6.3


New option to HiddenField, to skip builder methods - setterCanReturnItsClass.
New option to Checker and TreeWalker to specify file extensions.
New option to Empty Line Separator Check, for managing empty lines between class members.
New option to Indentation to avoid C style.
New option to Illegal Throws Check due to twitter custom checks.
New option to Javadoc Method Name Check - ignore method name regex.
New option to Illegal Type Check to control valiadtion baseon modifiers - memberModifiers, updated default illegal types.

Bug fixes:

Extended Method Name Check to ignore overriden methods.
Allow basedir property of Checker module to be set to NULL.
Custom Import Order Check, third-party package meaning is adjusted.
Final Local Variable Check, fixed false-positive.
Illegal Type Check, fixed false positives on same file names, added support of analyzing imports.
Suppress Warnings Holder - fixed throwing exception if annotation uses constant value.
No Whitespace After Check, fixed NPE, fixed false-positives at multidimensional arrays.
message is extended according to google/guava/issues/1891.

Breaking backward compatibility:

Annotation Location Check, fixed typo in property name.


Code examples of filters' usage.
Changes to checkstyle's configuration for Checkstyle (Prefixes are removed, indentation for SWITCH block is changed).
Custom Import Order Check, rewrote compare method.
Switched Checkstyle and all resources to UTF-8 encoding.
Logging of exceptions to console.
Got rid of javadoc warning. Resolved maven compilation warnings.
Refactored tests from blocks package.
Turn on -r recursive by default in CLI.
Fixes for suppression examples.
Repair Sonarqube problems found in Checkstyle.

Posted by Roman Ivanov 2015-02-02

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