
Chaotic Domain / News: Recent posts

Version 0.0.0pre2 released!

After about 10 months, we have finally released version 0.0.0pre2. Although this is definitely still a test release, with most features full of bugs, it has many features available. This is meant as a test release so bugs can be found and destroyed.

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-21


ok, Asher here. I have asked Michael a few questions, but if the answers he gives me (concerning the editor) do not affect the work I have already done, I have completed the entering of the stone age technologies into the editor. Whichever of you need the info (or have any clue what to do with it :), just email me, and I will email you back the editor file as an attachment. Also, concerning info and the editor, I need people to tell me if you need things put into the editor. At the moment, we are a little short of properties to input as my bro has not been able to do much work on that aspect, but i have contacted him, and hopefully he will be able to do some. Ttyl, hope all is well out there.
Ad Astra Par Ardua

Posted by Asher Litwin 2002-02-20

Permanent Chat Server

We finally have a permanent chat server! This means faster startups for the entire game, as well as usernames actually being stored. The server has been graciously provided by SEUL (

Posted by Anonymous 2001-12-21

Version 0.0.0pre1 complete!

Version 0.0.0pre1 is complete! Check out the change log in the source dist for information on what it has (yes, this is my leader to get you to download it). Download it at:
Please note: we currently have 4 files that are released. There is a source distribution (.tar.gz), a jar file of the compiled classes (.jar), and then a source and compiled rpm. We will be making a windows release soon.

Posted by Anonymous 2001-07-25

What's in a name?

After a vote, we have decided on a name. As it stands, the game will be called <b>Chaotic Domain</b>. We will probably also be adding some sort of subtitle as well, but that has yet to be decided.

Posted by Anonymous 2001-07-12

It's all gone!

If anyone's looked recently, our CVS repository is empty! Don't worry, we asked for this. We wanted a fresh start after all those failed attempts before. From now on, the module to download is going to be net. It should be there by the end of the day, we're just doing some testing to make sure it's perfect before uploading.

Posted by Anonymous 2001-06-20

Java source code

Ok you guys, I finally submitted the Java source code (what little of it there is) to CVS. Be careful with it! It's in the module sourceforge (I put it there for Java package structure). Please note: set your classpath to the top source directory. I've also created a makefile generater for Java, and it isn't too bad.

Posted by Anonymous 2001-03-26