
Movement keys

Xonotic: Chaos-Esque Anthology
Keyboard Controls
Note: When creating or editing maps in NetRadiant for this game disable “Use alternative texture projection” in Preferences>Settings>Brush to keep full compatibility with the pre-fabricated map sections found in data/maps/
To spawn vehicles, mounted guns, turrets, monsters, and hazards randomly in the map go to Multiplayer > Create > Mutators and enable their respective options.

To start a game go to Multiplayer > Create , select a match type, a map, and press “Start Multiplayer!” or “Play”

Vehicles & Mounted Guns
To enter a vehicle or a mounted gun hold F (The “use” key) or E while approaching the vehicle.
To exit a vehicle or a mounted gun press F (The “use” key)

To turn the engine on and take off when in an aeroplane press E + W

To load or reload a vehicle or mounted gun from its ammo reserves press R (The “reload” key)
To replenish the ammo reserves of a vehicle or mounted gun press E + R (The “reload” key)
(Note: fusion reactors will replenish the ammo reserves on a vehicle or mounted gun when in range)

To increase the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Spacebar
To decrease the gun elevation in a non-automated battle tank press Shift

To increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Spacebar
To decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press Shift

In a vehicle, to increase the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Spacebar
In a vehicle, to decrease the ROF of the rotary mounted guns press E + Shift

In a vehicle, to increase the speed of the engine press E + W (if the vehicle supports throttling)
In a vehicle, to decrease the speed of the engine press E + S (if the vehicle supports throttling)

To pickup a weapon or item press F (The “use” key)
To reload a weapon press R (The “reload” key)

To attach a suppressor to the .45 Pistol, the Rifle, or the MachineGun (Mac-10)
press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)

To turn on the flashlight press R (The “reload” key)
To change the color of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + R (The “reload” key)
To change the focus of the the flashlight press F (The “use” key) + Shift + R (The “reload” key)

Movement Brawling
To move forward press W. To move backwards press S. Punch: W W Uppercut: Shift + W W
To strafe left press A. To strafe right press D. Kick: W W (While in air (Spacebar))
The default port for a server is 26000 (UDP)

Posted by ChaosEsqueTeam 2013-08-11

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