
Praing error with JAXP

  • Stefano Lenzi

    Stefano Lenzi - 2005-07-12

    Hi all,
      I'm trying to use JAXP as XML parser and now I get a ParseException:
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in trailing section

    The content that give the error is:
    <e:propertyset xmlns:e="urn:schemas-upnp-org:event-1-0">

    I'm not sure if the trouble is releted to my changes to CyberLink, but I think is releted to JAXP

    • Satoshi Konno

      Satoshi Konno - 2005-07-12

      Hi Stefano,

      I haven't checked with JAXP yet, but the problem may be occurred
      due to lack of the XML define header, <?xml ... ?>.

    • Stefano Lenzi

      Stefano Lenzi - 2005-07-12

      The problem is related to the packed sent by Real Device (U.S. Robotics USR9106)

      I have sniffed the packet and the problem is that I get one extra empty line in my event packet.

      So I have chenged the CyberLink code in this way:

          private synchronized Node getRootNode()
              if (rootNode != null)
                  return rootNode;
              try {
                  byte content[] =
      /*Line Changed*/
      new String(getContent()).trim().getBytes();
                  ByteArrayInputStream contentIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(content);
                  Parser parser = SOAP.getXMLParser();
                  rootNode = parser.parse(contentIn);
              catch (ParserException e) {
              return rootNode;

      The original method was:
          private synchronized Node getRootNode()
              if (rootNode != null)
                  return rootNode;
              try {
                  byte content[] = new getContent();
                  ByteArrayInputStream contentIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(content);
                  Parser parser = SOAP.getXMLParser();
                  rootNode = parser.parse(contentIn);
              catch (ParserException e) {
              return rootNode;


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