
Line chart thickness / font size control

  • jlcdev

    jlcdev - 2012-12-30

    I use the following code to display a line chart following the example but the labels are dim, title too big, and line not sharp. Business users complained about the look of the image. Is there a way I can control the effect of the font and the line using cewolf tags? Any idea to help generate a professional look image? Thanks!

    <jsp:useBean id="lineRenderer" class="de.laures.cewolf.cpp.LineRendererProcessor" />
    <jsp:useBean id="visualEnhancer" class="de.laures.cewolf.cpp.VisualEnhancer" />
        title="<%=rcb1.getTitle() %>"
        xaxislabel="<%=rcb1.getxLabel() %>"
        yaxislabel="<%=rcb1.getyLabel() %>">
            <cewolf:producer id="rcb1"/>
        <cewolf:chartpostprocessor id="lineRenderer">
        <cewolf:param name="shapes" value="true" />
        <cewolf:param name="outline" value="true" />
        <cewolf:param name="useFillPaint" value="true" />
        <cewolf:param name="fillPaint" value="#FFFFFF" />
        <cewolf:param name="useOutlinePaint" value="true" />
        <cewolf:param name="outlinePaint" value="#000000" />
        <cewolf:chartpostprocessor id="visualEnhancer">
            <cewolf:param name="border" value="true"/>
            <cewolf:param name="rangeIncludesZero" value="false"/>
    <cewolf:img chartid="line11" renderer="cewolf" width="600" height="400">
    <cewolf:map linkgeneratorid="rcb1" tooltipgeneratorid="rcb1"/>

  • Ulf Dittmer

    Ulf Dittmer - 2012-12-30

    I'm not sure what, exactly, "the labels are dim" or "line not sharp" means, so I can't help with that without a good deal more information (especially sample images).

    Just about anything about the appearance of titles can be changed using the TitleEnhancer postprocessor. The test page in the example web app shows it in action.

  • jlcdev

    jlcdev - 2012-12-31

    Thank you for the response. I cannot find a way to upload the sample image to the forum. Is there a postprocessor I can use to change the look of the numbers on the x or y axis (for example, using a different font or different size), or making the lines sharper (for example sample more points to support higher resolution)? Some of the settings for line chart such as antialias/fontsize/legendanchor don't seem have any effect inside the <cewolf:chart> tag.

  • Ulf Dittmer

    Ulf Dittmer - 2012-12-31

    Let's take this discussion offline. I sense it could turn into something longer, and I don't like this forum software. Please contact me at with your detailed questions and any screenshots you want to share.

  • Timothy Anyona

    Timothy Anyona - 2013-02-05

    Hi Ulf,
    I would be interested in the outcome of your discussion, given a related question, [art:discussion:2cf5a266]



    ART: Discussion: 2cf5a266

  • Ulf Dittmer

    Ulf Dittmer - 2013-02-09

    I've responded in the other thread.


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