Fabio RAM - 2006-08-17


I developed the tutorial line chart with one difference. I haven't categories and series variables like this:
private final String[] categories =    {"mon", "tue", "wen", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun"};
private final String[] seriesNames =    {"cewolfset.jsp", "tutorial.jsp", "testpage.jsp", "performancetest.jsp"};

dataset.addValue(y, seriesNames[series], categories[i]);

but i have some like this:
private final String seriesNames = "parametros_performance.jsp";

dataset.addValue(new Double(rs.getString(2)), seriesNames, new Double (rs.getString(3)));

where rs.get_string(3) it's a date (dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss) that i catch from database and rs.getString(2) is a value in seconds.

I execute query in sql and i have values normally in there. My code compiles and i have my graph on browser without Xaxis values, Yaxis is imcomplete and i haven't any line. Graphs appears wrong.

Can Anyone helps me on this, please...

Best Regards
Fabio Ram