
Define y-axis scale as "static"

  • Milan

    Milan - 2009-02-05

    Does anybody know how can I set the values of the y axis to be static. Let me explain exactly what I mean: I have a page that refreshes every minute and some line charts on it. If the value(s) on the line chart change below some limit the values (scale) on the y axis change. I don't have for example scale 0..10..20.. ..100 on it anymore but 0..1..2.. ..20 or something like that at next page refresh. Thx in advance.

    • Ulf Dittmer

      Ulf Dittmer - 2009-02-05

      Offhand I'd say that calls for a ChartPostProcessor. You'd need to get the ValueAxis from the plot, and then call "setAutoRange(false)" and "setRange(double lower, double upper)" on it.

    • Milan

      Milan - 2009-02-06

      Done! Thanks a lot. That was really quick.


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