
CellarDoor / News: Recent posts

CellarDoor 1.1.2 Released!

A maintenance release, Cellardoor 1.1.2 is recommended for all users. The release includes a Glulx engine update to Git 1.2.2, supporting all current Glulx features, some bug fixes and compatibility updates for Sony Clie and Tapwave Zodiac devices.

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2009-02-02

CellarDoor 1.1.1 Released!

Important bug fix release for 1.1.0 users. 1.1.1 incorporates the 1.1.0 slipstream fixes and adds much-improved documentation.

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2008-05-22

CellarDoor 1.1.0 Released!

CellarDoor 1.1.0 features several code rewrites to
improve performance and usability of the Interpreter
and Story List. Highlights include user-definable,
clickable scrollback, and game tagging and filtering.
Naturally, there are also some compliance improvements
(Glulx Unicode!) and bug fixes.

NOTE: a last minute bug was found after 1.1.0 was released. The fix was slipstreamed into the current 1.1.0 downloads. If you are experiencing a problem with Autoload functionality (a screen resolution error), please try downloading again.

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2008-05-20

CellarDoor 1.0.3 Released!

The addition of custom color, increased verb/word list sizes, drawing speedups, Glulx improvements and much much more to be found in CellarDoor 1.0.3... enjoy!

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2008-04-28

CellarDoor 1.0.2 Released!

Fixes a bunch of bugs, adds a few new usability enhancements and some interpreter compliance. Rock solid for me so far. Enjoy it!

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2008-04-15

... and 1.0.2 on the way.

I discovered a pretty serious bug in 1.0.1 (and 1.0) which causes memory corruption crashing while using the command history in your second+ game launch (2nd time a story file is opened with CellarDoor is running).

This, plus some long-overdue, relatively minor, compliance fixes, will be packaged up into a 1.0.2 release shortly.

Until then, users are encouraged to quit CellarDoor and restart it between game launches. Sorry for the inconvenience -- 1.0.2 is looking like a very stable release.

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2008-04-13

CellarDoor 1.0.1 Released!

It's a minor update, but after nearly a year of silence, there are a few nice fixes and enhancement to your favorite Palm IF interpreter. Enjoy it!

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2008-04-12

CellarDoor 1.0 Final Released

With support for additional fonts and 16-bit graphics, CellarDoor is finally ready to be called an unqualified 1.0. Enjoy it!

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2007-04-25

RC2 released

With a couple of mostly minor changes, RC2 is ready to go. The biggest change is inclusion of graphics in text buffer windows (previously only supported in graphics windows) for Glulx games.

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2007-04-09

And we're live with RC1

I just couldn't wait. Source and binaries are posted and announced.

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2007-03-28

SourceForge Project site approved!

Things are moving along steadily. I've posted some screenshots, and will probably put up the README later this evening. There's a Release Candidate that's just about ready to go, so we're getting very close to going public, which I'm very much looking forward to. Stay tuned...

Posted by Jeremy Bernstein 2007-03-28