
This is not the real forum: do not post here

  • Selden Ball

    Selden Ball - 2007-02-11

    The real Celestia Web forum is at

    Please post your questions there.

    • Adam E.

      Adam E. - 2007-02-19

      I tried to register for registration for the forum and there are these crazy requirements that I needed the right conformation code and for to enter
      in the occupation called Celestia.   I put in the conformation code correctly
      and it said "the conformation code you entered was incorrect, and I knew already
      that it was correct.   This forum is just fine for me.  

      Adam E.

  • peter gervai

    peter gervai - 2016-02-03

    It is not there anymore.

  • Lucy Thiele

    Lucy Thiele - 2016-03-03

    s'not there

  • Selden Ball

    Selden Ball - 2016-07-30

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