
#237 Markers are "half-buried" under surface


Yet another bug with markers in cel-scripts (1.6.0):
Markers (circle, triangle, square and so on) are "half-buried" in
regolith in my Moon example, when the marker is not in the center
of the screen.

See attached image "markers_160.jpg" and compare with "markers_151.jpg".

Note that the Apollo-17 marker is not "buried" in the 160-image since
this marker is centered!

In fact, the circle (or any other marker) looks like pushed 90° into
the ground when I rotate the Moon (see image "marker_buried.jpg").

When you move the Moon and set any other of the displayed markers to
center, the centered one is displayed well.

My locs-ssc:

Location "Apollo-11" "Sol/Earth/Moon"
LongLat [ 23.423 0.41 0 ]
Size 1
Location "Apollo-12" "Sol/Earth/Moon"
LongLat [ -23.23 -3.11 0 ]
Size 1
Location "Apollo-14" "Sol/Earth/Moon"
LongLat [ -17.471 -3.645 0 ]
Size 1
Location "Apollo-15" "Sol/Earth/Moon"
LongLat [ 3.7 26.1 0 ]
Size 1
Location "Apollo-16" "Sol/Earth/Moon"
LongLat [ 15.499 -8.973 0 ]
Size 1
Location "Apollo-17" "Sol/Earth/Moon"
LongLat [ 30.775 20.188 0 ]
Size 1

My test-cel:

select { object "Sol/Earth/Moon" }
follow {}
center {time 2}
wait { duration 3 }
gotolonglat {time 4.0 distance 4.0 longitude 30.775 latitude 20.188}
wait {duration 4.0}
set {name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.3}
wait {duration 2.0}
mark {object "Sol/Earth/Moon/Apollo-11" size 30 color [0 1 0] symbol "circle" label "Apollo-12"}
wait {duration 2.0}
mark {object "Sol/Earth/Moon/Apollo-12" size 30 color [0 1 0] symbol "circle" label "Apollo-12"}
wait {duration 2.0}
mark {object "Sol/Earth/Moon/Apollo-14" size 30 color [0 1 0] symbol "circle" label "Apollo-14"}
wait {duration 2.0}
mark {object "Sol/Earth/Moon/Apollo-15" size 30 color [0 1 0] symbol "circle" label "Apollo-15"}
wait {duration 2.0}
mark {object "Sol/Earth/Moon/Apollo-16" size 30 color [0 1 0] symbol "circle" label "Apollo-16"}
wait {duration 2.0}
mark {object "Sol/Earth/Moon/Apollo-17" size 30 color [0 1 0] symbol "circle" label "Apollo-17"}


  • Ulrich Dickmann

    Ulrich Dickmann - 2009-07-01

    Markers Circle 160

  • vincent

    vincent - 2009-07-08

    Patch that adds the occludable option setting to markers in CEL

  • vincent

    vincent - 2009-07-08

    This happens because the occludable option setting for markers, which is true by default, is missing from CEL scripting. The patch below fixes this. After applying the patch, just add 'occludable false' into the mark command to prevent markers from beeing occluded:

    mark {object "Sol/Earth/Moon/Apollo-11" size 30 color [0 1 0] symbol
    "circle" label "Apollo-12" occludable false}

  • Ulrich Dickmann

    Ulrich Dickmann - 2009-07-08

    Thanks, Vince. That works.
    I assume that the patch will be applied to 1.6.1.

  • Ulrich Dickmann

    Ulrich Dickmann - 2009-07-08
    • milestone: --> v1.6
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • vincent

    vincent - 2009-07-09


    You're welcome.
    This fix will indeed go into 1.6.1.

  • vincent

    vincent - 2009-07-09
    • labels: --> Scripting (CEL/Lua)
    • assigned_to: nobody --> vincent_gian

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