
ccl can't find foxtools?

  • Slav

    Slav - 2009-06-14

    I've just istalled foxtools 1.6..., and I try to ./configure ccl, but it returs -> please install fox...
    Any ideas?

    • Script Warlock

      Script Warlock - 2009-06-14

      you can find it inside  the synaptic install libfox1.4(if needed) and libfox-1.6-0 and -dev....

    • Script Warlock

      Script Warlock - 2009-06-14

      sorry i misread your msg.....seems you need to install also the -dev of libfox1.4 and 1.6

    • Gestapo Genie

      Gestapo Genie - 2009-06-14

      I hope you mean you installed fox-toolkit.
      If you're on debian or ubuntu:
      sudo apt-get install libfox-1.6-dev

    • Gestapo Genie

      Gestapo Genie - 2009-06-14

      I hope you mean you installed fox-toolkit.
      If you're on debian or ubuntu:
      sudo apt-get install libfox-1.6-dev

    • Script Warlock

      Script Warlock - 2009-06-14

      yup his refering to ubuntu...

      @owour8 have you been to this forum?

      got a hard day figuring this old codes but still trying...your the xpert here how long yuv been coding? do you have im account? skpe or yahoo or irc or whatever so that if i got some important changes to the lines i wont email you or post there....i'll just buzz you.

      add me

      • Gestapo Genie

        Gestapo Genie - 2009-06-15

        You can get me at I'm buzz me when you're there.

        I've been coding for more than 10 years.

        What do you mean by the old code?

        I made lots of updates to cclfox and branched out a project "mkahawa" on sourceforge.

        - I had seen the forum before, but I failed to decipher the language towards the end. I hope they'd used english! I'll still download the software and see any changes that I can merge into mkahawa


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