
What about make the PREPAID functions in CCL?

  • LuckAs

    LuckAs - 2007-06-12

    The prepaid is very necessary functions in the program of time management program for Internet cafe and automatic logoff the clients after time prepaid expired.  Do you planed to work further on development the CCL? If yes - I am waiting this functions in the program, if no - you can propouse same ideas for other developers about insert this functions (what file-sources need be modification and same metods to realise this functions). Sorry I have not experience develop in fox-toolkit :(

    • Lazar Gyula

      Lazar Gyula - 2007-06-13

      It is implemented. play and than the green buton (enter the amount of time) and ok. But i have problem with it. I start cclcfox with root rights but if the client gives ctrl-alt-backspace (restart x server) the client stops working and however it is restarting with kde login, the server won't lock dwon the client with the time ended (some customers is using this to stay more without payment). (the os is kubuntu 7.04)

      sorry for my english.

    • LuckAs

      LuckAs - 2007-06-13

      Thanks, it may be work, but the statistic of sessions to pay avaible after the stop button and recived mutch time > prepaid time? May be better to prapaid the money instead of time and play it with one button, clients will spent his account to corresponding price/time?

      Your problems will be fixed:
      1. Run with user privileges the client program (whay need the root privelegies if the program can be closed). Will be better disable the close "Alt+F4" for accident exit, create link to cclcfox in ~/.kde/Autostart/cclcfox (root write permitions) After restart the X-server client run automaticaly. Ad the task for cron (script run periodicaly to check the process cclcfox and restart the client and may be block the poor-users)
      2. Disable the zapping Ctrl+Alt+Bs (Del, Escape) in the xorg.conf for disable close the X-server for clients:
      Section "ServerFlags"
          DontZap # disable <Crtl><Alt><BS> (server abort)

    • Lazar Gyula

      Lazar Gyula - 2007-06-15

      Thanks LuckAs ... it's works ... They can not give ctrl-alt-backspace (however it was useful becouse if an X aplication remains blocked it was the simplest way to terminate it ... but it's better so ... i will figure out some other way to close blocked programs). I need root rights for cclcient to use the shotdown, restart functions of the CCL, and to disable closing. Otherway the ccl client can not be closed. Not with kill -9 pid, I have disabled the ctrl alt esc (xkill) too. I have maid it in this way: I have maid the sudo wirh no password needed (/etc/sudoers). After kdm login, a script puts the user in admin groop, runs the program with sudo and the next command takes out the user from admin group (it has no sudo rights after this moment). 

      Sorry for my english :)


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