
CBB / News: Recent posts

CBB 0.9.5 (beta) released

I've uploaded CBB 0.9.5, which should fix many of the problems with account groups (and give users a quick and easy way to simply bypass groups altogether). Many other fixes as well. 0.9.6 will continue to implement fixes; I've been trying to concentrate on the groups issues to minimize impact to users as they upgrade. If you're interested in helping out, please e-mail me or one of the other admins. There's plenty yet to do!

Posted by Brian Koontz 2001-08-12

Administrative changes

I've made a couple of administrative changes to the site in hopes of improving communications between the development team and CBB users. Nothing here is irreversible: If you really feel strongly about the changes, let me know why and I'll reconsider.

1. The on-line forums have been disabled. They weren't seeing a lot of action, are awkward to use, and force one to physically log into the system to read them.... read more

Posted by Brian Koontz 2001-07-26