
CB2Java / News: Recent posts

User Guide Uploaded

I have set up a really crappy webpage on for this project here on sourceforge. On it you can find the beginnings of a user guide.

Next, a quick start guide will be provided.

Posted by dubwai 2007-03-15

Subversion repository created

I've gotten a subversion repository up and running.

The cb2xml classes used by this package are not installed. I have not changed these filed. I have however, had to recompile them so that I can create this package to be compatible with Java 1.4.

If you need to compile to Java 1.4, get the source for the cb2xml files from the src jar or from the cb2xml project. I see no need to modify these sources and branch them from cb2xml.

Posted by dubwai 2007-03-01

CB2Java version 0.3.1

Changed validation for X in Pic String to allow anything. This will probably need to be refined but the previous releases were far too restrictive, only allowing numbers, letters, spaces and nulls.

Finished changing names in Element class to follow 'get' standard. Changes are in the release notes.

Posted by dubwai 2007-02-12

CB2Java version 0.3

OK, I had some more stuff planned for this release but I had the code working and I figured I'd go ahead and put this out here.

There's a good bit of changes here.

Some bugs in AlphaNumeric were pointed out by Walter Boussemaere (thanks.) A picture parsing error has been fixed and default value is not low-values.

I decided to go ahead and make all the 'getters' begin with get. It's what everyone expects and it helps me tie into Jython. I've also made some major improvements to the Data class so that it's a proper base class. ... read more

Posted by dubwai 2007-02-02

Version 0.2

Version 0.2 released. Adds support for binary and packed types. Coming soon: documentation, floating-point type support.

Posted by dubwai 2006-12-20