
Extracted files not exact copies of original?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, I used HFSExplorer on the Boot Camp partition of my Mac laptop to back up the files from my crashed Mac partition to an external hard drive. I selected the files I wanted to save, extracted them to the external HD, and reinstalled my Mac system software. However, when I tried to restore the extracted files onto my Mac, many of my applications didn't run. Some are recognized by my Mac as Unix Executable Files. Do you have any idea why this is, and if so, what I could do to fix it? Thanks.

    • Erik Larsson

      Erik Larsson - 2009-09-06

      You cannot expect that to work. A lot of attributes, like permissions and ownership, are inevitably lost when you transfer the files over to a Windows filesystem like FAT or NTFS.
      Also, if you didn't choose to extract resource forks, then even more data will be lost.

      There's more to a filesystem and its attributes than what you normally see, and this way of doing a backup/restore isn't going to work. Instead I'd recommend building a disk image from the volume (using HFSExplorer if you like) and then use OS X's Disk Utility to restore that image onto a new hard drive (you can start Disk Utility from the Mac OS X Install DVD).

      If you really think that any data corruption has occurred, then please show me an example of a corrupted file's data. That would be serious.

  • Elijah

    Elijah - 2014-09-17

    I had issues as well, but with audio files. I sent you an email, Erik, but never got a response.

    I recently re-formatted my external hard drive that I keep a lot of my Logic Pro projects on. I backed up the hard drive onto a Windows 8 computer using HFSExplorer, formatted the drive, and then put the files back on. However, the audio files I use in my projects were damaged somehow while being transferred to the Windows computer. The audio has been intermittently replaced with extremely loud white noise, clicking, and it skips like a scratched CD at some spots.

    Have I done something extremely stupid without realizing it? Is it fixable somehow? I'm panicking a little because from what I've tested, it's affecting basically all of my past projects, and that's almost a year of music down the tubes if I can't fix it.

    I've attached one of the files so you can hear for yourself.