
CARE2X - Integrated Hospital Info System / News: Recent posts


Due to the fact that the documentation is obsolete, the doc repository is closed.
The official documentation will be found on the wiki pages @


Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-07-15


In the time of two mounth, Drupal will be the new CMS with full Wiki support used on the Care2x mainsite.


Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-07-12


On 07/15/2007 will be online a more particular survey, doable only once, for the determination af the effective Care2x team force.

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-07-12

Care2x release

The care2x release planned fo 07/15/2007 will be delivered on 07/30/2007.
This due to the implementation of the module simpleinvoice.
It will have Hl7 Mirth implementation, and some report schemas.

This will be version 2.3Beta


Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-07-12

Care2x will be redesign using the Drupal CMS.
All the documentattion will be removed from sourceforge and placed on the collaborative wiki engine inside Drupal CMS.
Drupal can be found @
Official site will be released on 08/01/2007


Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-07-03

Next survey

Next survey, will determine the exact composition of the developer list, with an accurate Skill Profile and a visible online curriculum.
Who do not will take survey, will nomore be considered developer and removed from the list.
Survey will start on 07/10/2007
We need people not numbers.


Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-06-29


Other 12 days for the closing of the 3th gen care2x survey.
Results of the survey will uploaded on Sourceforge.

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-06-18

Care2x v 2.2.7 planned

Planned next release 2.2.7 @ 07/15/2007
Will implement full HL7 export


Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-06-18

3th generation

On 07/01/2007 will be pubblicated the results of the survey.
@ this will follow a short discussion, for evaluating results.
Next step will be the adoption of the dev technologies, ad the creation of working groups...
Next will be released a complete roadmap.

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-06-05

Care2x // building 3th Generation // official Survey

Partial data of the survey are available on the downloads as pdf file.
The survey will be active until 06/30/2007, please get it @
username: care2x
password: 3th

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-06-02

Take a look @
Is a good spot, but seems to be stopped...

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-06-02


The Amsterdam International Medical Summer School (AIMSS)Health informatics: the role of informatics in health care
Sunday, July 8 - Friday, July 20, 2007

Think is time to make ear our voice on the EMR landscape worldwide.

This is an opportunity
Try it

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-05-30

Survey ready

Hi carers
Survey ready to use @
username: care2x
password: 3th

Use it Until 06/30/2007


Claudio Giulio Torbinio
I - 60020 - Agugliano AN
mobile: +393339925580

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-05-28


Soon online a survey to decide the framework and the guidelines for the 3th generation building.
All developer will be invited tu take the survey.
Results will be online.
The survey will be active, like the forum, until 06/30/2007

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-05-28


Added care2x_b225_full.exe file for installation on Windows machine.
Setup procedure in english, german, french, italian, spanish and russian.

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-05-25


It is needed to choose a framework.
I will create a survey for the developer, and ask for the preferred framework until 06/30/2007.
Done this the project will be developed with the tool with major votes.
Is time to decice and begin the data analisys...


Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-05-25

VOIP for developers

Planned a skypecast to talk over care2x:

3th Generation of care2x
Hosted by nursind.ancona

Starts May 21, 21:00 GMT, for 1/2 our, each week until 06/30/2007

find it @


Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-05-20


Opened a wirtual workshop, for the 3th generation of Care2x.
It will generate an accurate workflow for the reforming of care2x.
It will be closed on 06/30/2007.
Use the forum, and the ML.
Just ideas for this step.

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-05-09

CARE2X 2.2.5

The Care2x beta 2.2.5 release is now available. Check the download section of the project.

This release features several bugfixes and improvements in translation and help files.

Full change log follows:

A. Fixes and improvements

  • Semplified the Admin menu
  • Deleted the admin pages for MySql and Posgres
  • Deleted nocc folder
  • more fast installation procedure
  • Added the table creations for ICD10 and OPS301 Italian

B. Translations

  • Italian translation is converted to UTF-8 encoding. This includes language
    files, help files, ICD10 and OPS301 code tables.

Claudio Giulio Torbinio (IT) 2007/05/01

Posted by Claudio Torbinio 2007-05-05

Care2x beta 2.2.2 released

The Care2x beta 2.2.2 release is now available. Check the download section of the project.

This release features several bugfixes and improvements in translation and help files.

Full change log follows:

A. Fixes and improvements

  • Fixed broken link to Care2x Wiki in the help index.
  • Fix in laboratory module (UNIX-related): rename confirmlabtests.php to the
    correct case-sensitive file name.
  • Delete create_admin.php. This file is obsolete, because of the new
  • Small fix in the 'RenameFile' action of the installer: the order of the
    files to be renamed is changed.
  • Fix in smarty_care.class.php that causes blank page result in some setups.
  • Delete phpinfo.php - security issue.
  • Fixed the problem of coming to patient.php page in English (not the
    selected language) after closing the aufnahme_list.php page.
  • Fixed broken link for the Cancel button in the aufnahme_list.php page.
  • Fixed broken links for city and insurance company selection in the
    personell register page.
  • Fixes language problems in nursing module. It involves usage of the
    Start & End image links. ... read more
Posted by Kaloyan Raev 2006-09-25

Care2x beta 2.2.1 released

The Care2x beta 2.2.1 release is now available. Check the download section of the project.

This release features improvements in the dicom capabilities of the radiology module.

Full change log follows:

A. Improvements

  • Update Nogoya's dicom viewer from version 0.5.4 to version 1.0.0.
  • Radiology case studies list now shows the dicom images included in the study.
  • Download button available for the dicom images in case the user chooses to use an external dicom viewer.

Credits... read more

Posted by Kaloyan Raev 2006-09-03

Care2x patch released

The Care2x patch release is now available. Check the download section of the project.

This patch just fixes some corrupted characters in some languages. It has no functional differences with the 2.2 release. Check the Change Log section for details.

Full change log follows:

A. Fixes

  • Fix corrupted chars in the footer. Affects several languages with non-latin chars:

    • ar - Arabic
    • bg - Bulgarian
    • es - Spanish
    • fr - French
    • gr - Greek
    • no - Norwegian
    • pl - Polish
    • pt - Portuguese
    • pt-br - Brazil-Pt.
    • sr - Serbian
    • tr - Turkish
    • zh - Chinese-Simplified... read more
Posted by Kaloyan Raev 2006-09-03

Care2x version 2.2 released

Care2x is an open source web-based hospital information system (HIS).
The development of Care2x started back in 2002 by Elpidio Latorilla.
The software is released under the GNU General Public License.

Care2x features modular system that integrates different hospital
functions like:

  • Patient registration and admission
  • Ambulatory
  • Nursing
  • Laboratories
  • Operating Room
  • Radiology
  • Pharmacy
  • Medical Depot
  • User/permissions system
  • Multi-language support
  • etc.... read more
Posted by Kaloyan Raev 2006-08-02

Care2x beta 2.1.7 released

The Care2x beta 2.1.7 release is now available. Check the download section of the project.

There is only one change in this new release contributed by Daniele Palmas. The improvement affects the main menu to show only the menu items the user has permissions to use.

For the last three months this is the only change in the Care2x code base. Therefore, if no showstopper problem is reported in the next two weeks, I will declare this release as official Deployment 2.2 version. ... read more

Posted by Kaloyan Raev 2006-07-08

Care2x beta 2.1.6 released

It is time for new beta release.

The most noticable change is that the old well-known installer (/install) is now removed and completely replaced with the new installer (/installer).

The new installer is updated with new template that gives better Care2x look & feel. It also supports now both MySQL and PostreSQL databases.

The installation guide on the wiki is updated with new screenshot: read more

Posted by Kaloyan Raev 2006-04-30