
Mapping Number to Java

  • Felipe

    Felipe - 2004-10-22

    Hello, I hava a class in actionscript 2:

    class MDSVVista {
        private var ident:Number;
        private var nombre:String;
        private var descripcion:String;
        public function MDSVVista (id:Number,nom:String,desc:String) {
            this.ident = id;
            this.nombre = nom;
            this.descripcion = desc;
            trace("Vista Constructor: "+this.nombre+" ("+this.ident+"-"+this.descripcion+")");
        public function getIdent(Void) : Number {
            return this.ident;
        public function setIdent(id:Number) : Void {
            this.ident = ident;
        public function getNombre(Void) : String {
            return this.nombre;
        public function setNombre(nom:String) : Void {
            this.nombre = nom;
        public function getDescripcion(Void) : String {
            return this.descripcion;
        public function setDescripcion(desc:String) : Void {
            this.descripcion = desc;

    and a fla document:

    import MDSVVista;

    // --- Incluimos las clases para la conexin remota
    import mx.remoting.NetServices;
    import mx.debug.NetDebug;

    // --- Definimos la conexin remota
    // Connect to the gateway and create a service object
    if (connected == null) {
      connected = true;
      var my_conn = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
      var myService = my_conn.getService("flashgateway.samples.MDSVGestorVista", this);

    // --- Definimos el mapeo de clases (clase java / clase Flash)
    Object.registerClass("flashgateway.samples.MDSVVista", MDSVVista);

    // --- Creamos un usuario Flash
    var id:Number = 13;
    var nombre:String = "Vista 13";
    var desc:String = "Descripcion 13";
    trace("Antes de crear la vista");
    var nuevaVista:MDSVVista = new MDSVVista(id,nombre,desc);
    trace("Despues de crear la vista");
    trace("Id de la vista: "+nuevaVista.getIdent());


    function mandarVista_Result(result)
            trace("Vista mandada (correcto): " + result);
            trace(" ------------------ ");
            trace(" - recibirVista - ");
            // --- llamamos al metodo recibirUsuario de la clase Java definida en el servicio

    // --- Definimos la funcion resultado de recibirUsuario
    function recibirVista_Result(result)
            trace("Vista Recibida (correcto): " + result);
            trace("es instanceof MDSVVista? -> " + (result instanceof MDSVVista))

    // --- Definimos una funcin global para el caso de que ocurra un error
    _global.System.onStatus = function(status)
            trace(" - onStatus:");
            trace(" code:        " + status.code);
            trace(" level:       " + status.level);
            trace(" type:        " + status.type);
            trace(" rootcause:   " + status.rootcause);
            trace(" description: " + status.description);
            trace(" details:     " + status.details);

    and tha java class to serialize is:

    public class MDSVVista implements Serializable{
        private long ident;
        private String nombre;
        private String descripcion;
        public MDSVVista ()
        public MDSVVista (long id,String nom,String desc) {
            this.ident = id;
            this.nombre = nom;
            this.descripcion = desc;
            System.out.println("Vista: "+this.nombre+" ("+this.ident+"-"+this.descripcion+")");
        public long getIdent()  {
            return this.ident;
        public void setIdent(long id) {
            this.ident = ident;
        public String getNombre() {
            return this.nombre;
        public void setNombre(String nom) {
            this.nombre = nom;
        public String getDescripcion() {
            return this.descripcion;
        public void setDescripcion(String desc) {
            this.descripcion = desc;

    and testing class is:

    package flashgateway.samples;

    //import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import com.carbonfive.flash.ASTranslator;
    import java.sql.*;

    public class MDSVGestorVista
            /*private static final Logger log =

            private String myDriverString = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
            private String myConnectionString = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
            private String myUsername = "opesndsv";
            private String myPassword = "opesndsv";
            private Connection conn = null;
            private MDSVVista vista;
            public void mandarVista(ASObject usuarioAS)
                    ASTranslator t = new ASTranslator();
                    vista = (MDSVVista)t.fromActionScript(usuarioAS);
                    System.out.println("VISTA RECOGIDA: " + vista.getNombre()+"( "+vista.getIdent()+" ) - "+vista.getDescripcion());
            public ASObject recibirVista() throws Exception
                String errors = "";
                //CachedRowSet rowset = new CachedRowSet();
                long id;
                String nom, desc;
                      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
                      myConnectionString, myUsername, myPassword);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                      errors = "Incorrect JDBC Driver\n";
                  if(errors == "") {
                        Statement s = conn.createStatement();
                          String sql = "SELECT id_vista,nombre,descripcion FROM NDSV_VISTAS_WEB "+
                                        "WHERE id_vista=1";
                        System.out.println("Sentencia SQL= "+sql);
                        ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
                        while ( )
                            id =  rs.getLong(1);
                            nom = rs.getString(2);
                            desc = rs.getString(3);
                            vista = new MDSVVista(id,nom,desc);
                            //System.out.println("Datos consulta SQL: "+nom+"( "+id+" ) - "+desc);
                            System.out.println("VISTA ENVIADA: "+vista.getNombre()+"( "+vista.getIdent()+" ) - "+vista.getDescripcion());
                    } catch(SQLException e) { //catch any SQL errors
                            errors += e.toString() ;
                    } finally {
                        if(conn != null) {
                if (errors!="") {
                      throw new Exception (errors) ;
                ASTranslator t = new ASTranslator();
                return (ASObject)t.toActionScript(vista);

    Sent java class MDSVVista is well retrieved in actionscript but sent actionscript class MDSVVista doesn't. In java side String attributes are ok (traces show right values) but Number attributes shows 0 value when must be 13. What maybe the problem?
    I have tested changing java numeric attribute to Number, Double,Long, double and the same problem appears. Besides if I do id:Number = new Number(13) the connection crashes and an error is returned.

    Help me, please. This is driving me crazy.
    Thanks in advance.

    • Alon Salant

      Alon Salant - 2004-10-22

      Can you tell me the keys/values of the entries in the ASObject passed to mandarVista()?

      If the ident entry has a value of 13, there is an issue with ASTranslator. If it has a value of 0 or null it is an issue with the Remoting gateway.

      Which Remoting implementation are you using? Macromedia? OpenAMF?


    • Felipe

      Felipe - 2004-10-22

      Thanks for replying. Now, it's solved. There was an error in:
      public function setIdent(id:Number) : Void {
      this.ident = ident; // must be id

      Besides, I have a constructor with parameters (not supported in javabeans, I think). Using an unique constructor without parameter the thing goes right. My doubt now is: How can I serialize a class (not javabean) with a constructor passing parameters?  Is it possible with ASTranslator or it only support javabean style? Without using ASTranslator is possible?

      Thanks again.
      Now, I'm working with Macromedia Flash Remoting.

    • KhronnuZ

      KhronnuZ - 2005-06-26


      I got problem mapping Number to Java, my ASObject was a value but the Translated class not.

      my code:

      the custom java class named Hora2

      public class Hora2 {
          public Number hora;
          public String minuto;

      The service class named Servico
      public class Servidor {
          public int registrarBo(ASObject ASbo) {
              ASTranslator t = new ASTranslator();
              Hora2 h = (Hora2)t.fromActionScript(ASbo);
              System.err.println(ASbo.get("hora")); // works
              System.err.println(h.hora); // prints null (when Number) or 0.0 (when boolean) or 0 (when int)
              return 3;

      My custom flash class named Hora2
      class Hora2 { 
          public var hora:Number;
          public var minuto:String;
          public function Hora2(h:Number, m:String){
              this.hora = h;
              this.minuto = m;

      and when a call the service called myservice
          var h = new Hora2(12,"23");
          var pc:PendingCall = Servio.registrarBo(h);


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