
GlobalSentry 3.0.0 Released (06-May-07)

As you may or may not have noticed, this release marks a change in name of the Capsule library to GlobalSentry. I made this change to help differentiate the project from the vast selection of other libraries it might seem a duplication of. This library is headed in the direction of specialization for multi-threaded data access control on a wide range of systems, although it serves (and will continue to serve) useful purposes far beyond that.

All of the classes in this library retain their previous names, however the main include header holds the new name of the library. I also added a header/source pair for Unix-similar systems to provide timed access-retry control and less-harsh capsule destruction. The access-retry control allows a thread to attempt access to locked objects for a given interval of time before giving up, accelerating the retry time as time passes to gain an advantage over lesser-waiting threads when the object becomes unlocked. The library retains full functionality on all non-Unix systems; this header is provided in addition for Unix systems.

For all systems, I've added the ability to encapsulate fixed-size arrays (e.g. 'int[10]'.) This can be used in a manner similar to storing a dynamically-allocated array in a pointer.

I am using this library as a core component of a new project of mine "Resourcerver" (, a service-based infrastructure for applications divided into groups of specialized programs. That project will serve as a test bed for this library and will probably result in some improvements as it progresses. Thank you for taking an interest in my work!
Kevin P. Barry

Posted by 2007-05-07

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