
Caprice32 / News: Recent posts

Caprice32 v4.2.0 released

Version 4.2.0 of Caprice32, the Amstrad CPC emulator has been released. We're getting a little closer to a usable CPC emulator with the changes in this release... unfortunately, no GUI yet - a user interface of one sort or another will be in the next release (which hopefully won't take as long as this one has!).

Please see the release notes for what has changed since v4.1.0.

Posted by Ulrich Doewich 2005-05-14

Caprice32 v4.1.0 released

Version 4.1.0 of Caprice32, the Amstrad CPC emulator has been released. This release has been made Linux friendly thanks to the efforts of the growing project development team.

Please see the release notes at for more details.

Posted by Ulrich Doewich 2004-06-18

Caprice32 v4.0.0 is released

Version 4.0.0 of Caprice32, the Amstrad CPC emulator has been released. This is very much still a "work in progress" (hence the alpha designation) and only intended as a sign of things to come. The switch to SDL now offers the opportunity for ports to other platforms - the future does indeed look bright! :)

For more details, see the release notes at

Posted by Ulrich Doewich 2004-06-04