
New Standalone Releases (3.991 & 4) - UPDATED

You may notice not one, but two new releases!

Version 4 fixes a couple of problems that were occuring in 3.991, particularly in nibble mode. This was only released an hour after 3.991 since we found the bug! I'm leaving 3.991 up in case i broke something in 4 without noticing.

Why 3.991? Well we were still trying to fix a few things before version 4, and Simon backed himself into a corner by putting 3.99 on the web page.

4 is slightly newer than both of them, and should work a bit better. Known to work with libieee1284 0.1.4, give it a go!

Note that this release still simply doesn't work for some people. This is a libieee1284 issue that we're looking into. If you experience this problem, please use scanner-stable-2 for now, with an old (pre-0.1.0) release of libieee1284. That release only uses the lib for port detection and acquisition.

- Matthew Duggan

UPDATE: Ok, I think I've finally uploaded a working scan-4 package.. sorry about that!

Posted by Matthew Duggan 2002-02-13

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