
Release of CAMSEG SCM 2.4 – Dingo

The stable version of CAMSEG SCM 2.4 – codename Dingo – has been released. The major new feature in this version is the new Report System. This new system is based on HTML, JavaScript and CRL, and the mix of these three technologies allows almost unlimited report capabilities. For instance, the previous system only allowed one table by report, but with the new one, it’s possible to have any number of tables, or not use them at all.

Other new features include:

- Discount by PLU category (conditions and actions applied to PLUs of a specific category)
- Support for discount passwords
- Improved support for batch report generation (it’s now possible to generate multiple reports in a single document/impression)
- Improved currency support (the major ISO currencies are included in the application, and it’s possible to specify a custom one)
- Batch Object importer : allows to import Customers, Vendors or Donators contained in a CSV file
- The start ID of each object type can now be specified (ex: one can set the Start ID of the orders to 1000, and the first order will be order #1000)
- Improved report theming (with CSS technology)
- The vendor can now be used as the customer in an order
- Category code override
- Selector for visible data rows in the Charts
- New reports and charts

Lots of bugs have been corrected for this release (it should be the most stable release ever !). Additionally, the Turkish translation was updated for this release.

This version is stable and recommended for daily usage. Please report bugs and requests to

Posted by Lucas Rioux-Maldague 2010-01-20

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