
how many clients maximal


    WOLFGANG RAETZ - 2009-10-28

    how many clients can the RDV handle in practice? 
    how many peer connections can one single client handle?

  • Florent Bondoux

    Florent Bondoux - 2009-10-29

    I don't have a good answer for your questions.

    For campagnol 0.3.2 and (soon to be released) 0.3.3:

    - The RDV server has very little work to do since it doesn't relay the VPN sessions. It is just keeping the list of the connected clients, exchanging a few messages when a new connection is opened, and some keep-alive messages. Moreover the connections between the clients and the RDV server are still not encrypted. So any "reasonable" number should be fine…

    - Regarding the client, the CPU will limit the global throughput. Also, each opened session uses two threads and a few MB: the data and the  queues needs a few hundred kB (depending on the configuration), and the threads' stack size is 2 MB on Linux (so on a Linux system, it'd be a little more than 4 MB per opened session). I would say that 100 simultaneous connections is a maximum (this is the default soft limit).


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