
Version 0.2 Released

CamelBones 0.2 is available for downloading.

New framework features include:

* Support for a large number of Foundation and AppKit functions.

* Support for a variety of structures, including NSRange,
NSRect, NSSize, and NSPoint.

Thanks to Dan Sugalski for contributing most of the code
for these two items!

* Support for customized method signature declarations
for Perl classes. This allows Perl classes to declare methods
that conform to an interface - see the "Data Access" example
for more.

Other improvements:

* Two new example applications: "Currency Converter" and
"Data Access."

* A new Project Builder template. To create a new CamelBones
application, just create a new project, and choose "Cocoa-Perl
Application" from the list of project types.

* Full source code is included.

Because of the variety of things included in this download, and
the locations to which they're installed, this release is packaged
as an installer file, rather than as a simple archive.

If you install everything in this release:

CamelBones.framework will be installed in /Library/Frameworks will be installed in /Applications
A new project template is installed under /Developer/ProjectBuilder Extras/
Example projects are installed in /Developer/Examples/CamelBones/
Other source code is installed in /Developer/Source/CamelBones/

Posted by Sherm Pendley 2002-04-19

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