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  • UrOnline

    UrOnline - 2006-11-09

    First of all after trying many calendars, this one seems to be the best one yet. My question is as follows: Is it possible that when a user goes to the calendar on my site it should take him straight to the Month View of the calendar and not go to cxindex.php? Thanks.

    • Jude Yancy

      Jude Yancy - 2006-11-10

      Login as the super administrator then to go : Administrators Console -> Public User Settings and change the value of the 'Default Display' field to 'Month Display'. This setting applies to all public users.

      For individual users who have accounts, they can login then use the Edit -> Personal settings menu option to set their preference.

      As the super administrator, you can also set the default preference for all new accounts by using the Administrators Console -> Default User Settings


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