
#48 Python error exporting from Blender

Tron Thomas

I created a simple scene which had a two segment cube
skinned by two joints and a short animation that bends
the cube and then restores it back to normal.

When I try to run the export script for Cal3D I receive
the following output in the console:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Tron\Application
Data\Blender Foundation\Blend
er\.blender\scripts\", line 942, in ?
if file.endswith(".cfg") or file.endswith(".caf")
or file.endswith(".cmf") o
r file.endswith(".csf") or file.endswith(".crf"):
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Tron\Application
Data\Blender Foundation\Blend
er\.blender\scripts\", line 848, in export
elif b[0] in string.digits:
RuntimeError: Depricated:use RenderData.currentFrame


  • Tron Thomas

    Tron Thomas - 2004-06-25

    A Blender scene containing an animated, skinned cube

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    this is caused by the currentFrame method being moved to a
    different place in the python api for blender 2.33 and later.

    If you use that is in the plugins
    directory of cvs this problem is fixed - however be aware that
    you should use Blender2.34 or later with this updated script

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    this is caused by the currentFrame method being moved to a
    different place in the python api for blender 2.33 and later.

    If you use that is in the plugins
    directory of cvs this problem is fixed - however be aware that
    you should use Blender2.34 or later with this updated script

  • Tron Thomas

    Tron Thomas - 2004-07-31

    Logged In: YES

    The web site says that 2.33a is the latest version not 2.34.
    How am I supposed to obtain version 2.34 or later?


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