
SipUnit 2.0.0 released - plus new leadership

June 24, 2012,
Raleigh, NC.

We are pleased to announce the public release of SipUnit 2.0.0. This is a stable release with technology updates, new functionality and extensive testing performed. Feedback from the development community is encouraged for further enhancing the system.

In addition, we are pleased to announce that SipUnit leadership is changing hands - to TeleStax, Inc. at The project will be led by George Vagenas, a longtime contributor and core team member to Mobicents and TeleStax, who is already leading the CDI Telco Framework and SIP Servlets Arquillian extension projects. The SipUnit source code and documentation will soon be moved accordingly.

SipUnit provides a test environment geared toward unit testing SIP applications. It extends the JUnit test framework to incorporate SIP-specific assertions, and it provides a high-level API for performing the SIP operations and messaging needed to interact with the application or network element under test.

The following are the highlights of the release. Thanks to George Vagenas for his recent major contributions to SipUnit and also to S. Pitucha for contributing patches.

- MESSAGE handling has been added, including support for authentication and MESSAGE with or without an existing dialog.
- JUnit 4 support was added with static assertions in new SipAssert class.
- SipUnit is now mavenized!
- Convenience methods were added to get the contact URI as javax.sip.address.URI from SipContact, the call ID from SipCall, and retransmission count from SipStack, among others.
- TLS support has been verified.
- JAIN SIP stack was updated.

If you have any questions about the SipUnit project, please refer to the SipUnit link on the TeleStax project page at or send an email to

-- CafeSip Team.

Posted by Becky Mc 2012-06-25

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