
SipExchange 0.0.1a released - SIP Soft-Switch

SipExchange 0.0.1a released
Open-Source SIP Soft-Switch with External Call Control Capabilities

March 11, 2006,
Raleigh, NC.

We are pleased to announce the first public release of SipExchange. SipExchange r0.0.1a is an Alpha release to give users a preview of the system.

SipExchange is a open-source softswitch that provides standard SIP services like registration, proxy and a presence. Using the SipExchange application, service providers can offer telephone services to their subscribers as well as other services based on voice, video and instant messaging. SipExchange supports many of the standard subscriber features offered by the traditional telephone exchanges and PBXs. In addition, SipExchange supports external call control capabilities using which service providers and software developers can create new features and services rapidly and plug them in to the SipExchange application.

The following are the highlights of the release.

1. Registration service: On SIP registration, the system authenticates the subscribers and stores their location for routing inbound call sessions.
2. Proxy service: Supports SIP to SIP call session setup and tear- down. Inbound calls to SipExchange subscribers are routed to the subscribers current locations. The service also allows subscribers to make outbound calls to other subscribers and non-subscribers.
3. CDR generation: The SipExchange server produces call detail records and stores them in the database for billing and reporting applications.
4. External call control: The basic framework for external call control using IN/AIN like triggers is included.
5. Web-based administration and reporting: System administrators can administer SIP domains and subscribers. They can also tune system parameters and manage CDRs. The reports allows the system administrators to view user locations and CDRs.

If you have any questions about the project, please contact us by sending an email to

-- CafeSip Team.

Posted by Amit Chatterjee 2006-03-11

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