
Caditor 2 is Near

The release of the upcoming and much anticipated Caditor 2 is near! It has grown from, in version 1.0, a very basic and hardly useful editor (ok, maybe somewhat useful but very bland) to a full-featured, state-of-the-art application in 2.0 (which has yet to be released for those wondering).

Due to the aggressive workings of the program, this version may enter beta stage a month early from the originally planned September release date into late August of this year (around the 25th). Additionally, an IR has been targeted for Labor Day just a week or so later barely into September (Labor Day is September 1st).

Thus said, Caditor 2 is already nearing its last leg of expansion of features. It is already twice the size of Caditor 1.2 and is growing toward the triple mark. Feature freeze will be called on August 19 (Orville Wright's birthday) when it will be released for Alpha testing (sorry, not to the public).

A complete new-feature list may never be posted here as it would be much too long. However, upon beta, an attempt will be made to cover the "important" features in this release (with the screenshots).

Note that ALL feature requests will be terminated for Caditor 2.0 (not 2.1) on August 10th (a week from when this was posted) so get those out!

Posted by Caglow 2008-08-03

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